Dear God - that takes me back! When we didn’t pretend the Army was all about women’s rights in some sub-Saharan s*ithole but about killing people and breaking things.
I recall recruiting videos from the 70s and 80s for the US Army and other services at that time. I thought they were cool and definitely increased my interest in joining. “Be All that You can be” and of course, “The Marines are Looking for a Few good Men” always stick in my mind.
Somewhat off topic but interesting:Controversial Canadian Army logo approved by senior leaders | Ottawa Citizen
Priceless! Also somewhat off topic, Australia’s coat-of-arms (reproduced on all militaria) features an emu on one side and a kangaroo on the other. Apparently we’re the only country in the world that eats its national symbols.
Emu´s are darn fast birds, aren´t they?
They can hit 50 km/h (31 mph)
The ostrich is even faster, reaches 70 km/h
Yep, anyone who tries invading Oz will be trampled & pecked to death by vast marauding flocks (?) herds (?) of them. If a camel’s a horse designed by a committee, the emu’s a drone designed by Combined Ops.
No Miniguns then?
Ran out of ammo dealing with rabbits - we got 200 million.
Nope, this was back in 1932.
Gatlings did exist but not the crazy fire rates of modern gatling guns.
Fast, small and maneuvering targets require area denial munitions,
cluster bombs would probably have worked.
Fighting a guerilla style war is difficult enough as it is with enemies moving at standard human speeds but imagine the Vietnam war with Vietcong fighters moving at 30 mph …
…and according to classified four-eyes – sorry Five-Eyes - documents, strapped with C4. Um how did we get here from Brit Army recruiting again?
Killing people and breaking things Tim.
“Someone” mentioned emu’s
That´s what I like about this group. In German we say: “Vom Hundertsten ins Tausendste kommen.”
Nooo, someone mentioned a bear having carnal knowledge of a moose first (post # 4). I think we’ve entered some kinda Monty Python reunion.
I think it was me who started the diversion Tim….
Well, I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition…
Airpower won’t help, we all know Skippy has MANPADS…
Were Armed Kangaroos Added to a Military Combat Simulation Program? |