Bulgarian WWII Campaign

Bonnet? Very cultured of you Mike. I thought you guys called it ‘the hood’ over there… or is that just used for certain neighbourhoods now… :stuck_out_tongue:



Just want you to feel comfortable in ‘the hood!’ :sunglasses:


Thanks for getting me out of my builders block crisis, guys :slightly_smiling_face:

Some really nice progress:

Fixed the drive sprockets with some very heavy handed surgery. They are now the right type.

Fixed the front and even got a piece of plastic that resembles the thin front plate.

Fenders got bend and the visible tools added. Only the weird left hand side in the direction of travel looks slightly different.

Rear end exhaust, smoke launchers and fenders got fixed. Notice a piece of destroyed rope is hanging on one of the rear end hooks in the original WWII picture. It supports Angel’s theory that the tow hooks got torn off during muddy recoveries. I will add that as well.

Last thing remaining is to try my skills at casting a helmet. There’s a first time for everything :wink::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Nice recovery Jesper. Just one other thing, as per my post above:

(Man ducks and runs for cover…)


Great fixes on all those. The front looks spot on now :+1:


Excellent job on the Steyr 1500, Peter!

Your research and findings about Aber PE(gaffs) is very helpful,



Fine work and great save, Jesper!

Glad you grabbed the bull by the horns and ventured into destroying what you previously built :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The LHS fender contains a shovel- I guess that’s a “liberated” one (from some Serbian farmer), as it doesn’t look like the usual Bulgarian ones(too big angle between shovel’s handle and plate). There might be a pickaxe beneath the shovel too.

You’ll need to drill 2 bullet holes in the exhaust silencer. One is centered above the final 2 digits on the registration plate(the 6 and the 2), the other is on the vertical exhaust pipe.
I’m pretty sure these were 8 mm. holes in 1:1(this is the calibre of the Mannlicher, the standard issue Bulgarian rifle at that time), GI’s seems to adore shooting at the rear armor plates of friendly tanks…then and now.

All In all-great job!


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Hello this is Kaan. I am a newbee for this forum and i want to participate in this campaign with one of my models What should i do to participate? Do i have to open a new forum thread or simply post the pictures here? Best regards to all model lovers.


Welcome Kaan @AmateurScaleModeller and we all hope you enjoy your time in the forum’s.

As you are new to the forum’s, I would say it’s best if you do your build pictures and updates here. You can go to the first post in this thread, and click GOING so Angel (the build organiser) knows you have joined. Once you read more post and threads, and make comments etc, your trust level increases and more stuff becomes available like increasing the amount of images you can upload in one go.
Do a picture of the kit you are going to do, a box picture and then showing the contents inside the box, then begin the build… Do as many update pictures as you can and explain about the build as you progress, any bad or good points etc.
Angel @ayovtshev and Kalin @k_mero4 are the go to Bulgarian experts so they will help you wherever they can…
And enjoy the build :+1::+1:


Thanks for the comments, guys.

Good catch on the bullet holes, Angel. I will add those.
On the fenders I adapted closely. Added track links to the front of right fender and fire extinguisher to the front of the left fender.

Peter, you just could not help pointing it out! :wink::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: You are right. I did not fix them as I believe my build just have the thin sheet metal covers over those. Same with the point in the middle of the rear plate. So I will keep them as is. :slightly_smiling_face:

Now working on the tracks - more to follow :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to the forum, Kaan. Johnny just explained everything perfectly.

Looking forward to see what you will build. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hoş geldiniz Kaan!

I’m glad you joined Kitmaker and glad you’ve choosen the Bulgarian WWII Campaign for your first group build participation here!

John @Johnnych01 said everything you need to know/do for joining the Campaign.

Should you need any help or advice related to enlisting, do’s and don’t do’s, choosen vehicle to build, its history with the Bulgarian Armed Forces, its markings or its colour- don’t hesitate to ask (here or with private message).

You’re amongst the finest and frendliest chaps in the modelbuilding world!


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Thanks for your nice messages @Johnnych01 and @SGTJKJ . Actually i have a model which i already finished in December 2021. I converted an 1/72 Italeri Panzer 4 kit to a Bulgarian Maybach T4H. I dont know if i can participate with an already finished model. Even if i cant participate with a finished model, it is always a good thing to share a model with other modellers. Here is my Maybach T4H. Please feel free to comment about my mistakes. Because i dont know much about Bulgarian armor and i know i did so many mistakes.

Forum rules doesnt let me add more than two external links. So i cant add more pictures.


Thanks for your nice message @ayovtshev, actually as i mentioned before i already made a model of a Bulgarian Maybach T4H. I just wanted to share it with you and ask for your thoughts about it. Anyway please feel free to show me my mistakes. Best regards. Here are two more pictures of it:


Nice build Kaan, and as your trust levels increase, by reading more posts, visiting the site in general, adding posts, etc etc, you will gradually be able to add more images to a post etc.
As per the Completed Pzr IV, group builds are normally started with new kits still in the box, or in some builds/campaigns you can begin with a very small percentage of the kit started…
What do you normally build ? armour ? Aircraft ? A bit of everything …? And what’s your preferred scale ?


You’re welcome Kaan!

As Johny said, normally participating kits are either unstarted, or with less than 20% parts build.

Having said that, I think your 1:72nd scale “Maybach” IV is fit to participate, providing you do a bit of surgery on it:

Bulgarian Pz.Kpfw. IV’s(Bulgarian designation-Maybach IV) had their hull Schuerzen and respective mounts dismounted upon arrival. The idea behind was to give free access to the drivetrain and to save time in maintenance.

Thus all Maybachs had Schuerzen only on the turret.

Other than that- you produced a splendid model, that only lacks a Bulgarian military registration number. I can send you one of you want, together with some pictures that show where you should place it.


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Thanks for your answer @Johnnych01 . I usually build tanks and armored vehicle models. I dont prefer any scale but i usually build models in 1/72 scale. I started this hobby in 2014. After improving myself for a while, I reached the highest level I could reach and my progress stopped. I accepted myself with the intermediate level of modeling that I reached. I think that maybe I can make progress again as I communicate with you and see my mistakes.

I have my own blog, but the blog is in my own language. I want to gradually translate my blog into English and be in contact with modelers not only from my own country but all over the world. If you want to see the models I made before, I’ll leave the blog link here:

If you dont want to click an external link, you can just write “amateur scale modeller blogspot” and google it. The site that appears first in the search results is mine.


Welcome aboard Kaan. Look forward to seeing to see more builds.


Thank you very much for your answer @ayovtshev . Actually it is not possible for me to modify this model. Because I will be in Spain with my family for a while for a scientific study. I did not bring the model to Spain, but left it in Turkiye. But I think it is a very good idea to buy a new Panzer 4 kit and start building another Bulgarian tank from scratch. I probably won’t make it to the end of the campaign, but what do I have to lose? I think it’s worth it for the fun you get from modeling. I’m so glad to meet you all. Best regards.


Nice to meet you too @Tank_1812 :slight_smile: