Carrier Crossing cont

Hi all,

Not had much chance this last week to make progress, but I have started to create the watery disturbance caused by the Carrier crossing the ford (see images below).

The white gunk on the Carrier tracks should turn translucent as it dries, it will take a few goes to build up the flow of water…hopefully, :roll_eyes:.

Cheers, :beer:,



What is the white gunk?

Hi Tom,

It’s a product called ‘Making Waves’ from a company called ‘Deluxe Materials’. I’ll post some images tomorrow when it’s turned clear…hopefully, :roll_eyes:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Ah ok. I know of that material. I am very interested to see how it turns out.

Welcome to the other side :wink:

The update might not be great, it is not less important. This will embed the carrier to the base. I felt the same when the Renault was partly submerged…

Woof, woof, this looks great!

That water looks pretty darn good to my eyes!

I sure hope that stuff turns clear, lol.

Hi G glad to see you didn’t get washed downstream crossing over here. Well if that stuff doesn’t dry clear this’ll have to morph into your Second Snows of Winter diorama! I see you like to live dangerously, that title could so easily have gone very wrong & there would have been no way back to these forums fo’ yow :zipper_mouth_face: :tumbler_glass:

Yes, the critical time when you make the 2 big parts merge into the whole. The water looks the bees knees,

Just coming on board on the new site but WOW! This vignette is spectacular, charming, and really, really well done. The carrier itself is really excellent and the scenery is just outstanding. You’ve captured a moment here and I’ll be following your progress from here. Congratulations on an incredible job so far. :+1:

Hi Erwin,

Didn’t want to bore people with an update, :slightly_smiling_face:, plus I wasn’t sure if the post was going to work properly as it was my first attempt, us PC luddites are a cautious bunch, :grin:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Hi Ski,

Thanks for the positive feedback, :slightly_smiling_face:, and yes, I hope it dries clear, :roll_eyes:…ish, :grin:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Hi Nick,

Thank you for the thumbs-up on the water, :slightly_smiling_face:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Hi Tim,

It took me some time to wade in and cross over, always wary I’ll get it wrong, :slightly_smiling_face:.

It does look more like snow than water, maybe it’ll end up more like Erwin’s icy Renault, :grin:…which would be no bad thing as it was such a good build.

Double checks title, hmmm!?..being such an innocent I have no idea what you might be suggesting, :roll_eyes: :innocent:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Hi Jerry,

Thank you, I keep putting off the merger, but soon I’ll have to bite the bullet, :slightly_smiling_face:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Hi Matthew,

Glad you like it, and thank you for the kind words and the positive feedback, it’s much appreciated, :slightly_smiling_face:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Hi all,

Spent a couple of rained-off hours trying to bulk up some of the vegetation, plus put a second layer of ‘water’ on the tracks (see images below).

The white gunk is starting to dry and clear, it’s just possible to make out the track, but not sure how clear it will finally go though.

The Carrier is still separate as I haven’t yet finished painting it.

Cheers, :beer:.



Very cool G , love it man , all components aced !!

Agreeing with Cheyenne here. Specially the H2O