Centurions: Fist of the Empire

Thank you! If you’d given me 10 years I don’t think I would have guessed that

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One for the more knowledgeable among us. On my Shot Kal, I am doing the .50 above the mantlet, is there a remote cable for this at all and where did it go ,??
Mead, yours is looking great …nice work :+1:

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Take in mind that if you do a Shot Kal Alef with the 0.50cal the timeframe is post YomKippur War.

There are two cables usually, going to the commanders cupola. They have a triangular handle at the end, for pullng them.

Edit: From the AH instructions it seems that they dont incude the mechanism for firing the mg remotely.

Extract from AFV Club instructions

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Well we are in the topic of vent questions. Anyone know what these brackets are for?

I think the smaller foreground are for the antenna (which of course isn’t supplied in the kit :roll_eyes:) but I can’t figure out what the larger ones are for. Also the bin on right is for the spot light?


The bin is indeed for the spotlight, the brackets are most probably for the poles for the tent/canvas cover (there are three pairs of tie downs between them).

The small ones seem strange to me. Perhaps you might want to check your references for their position and shape, they might be a Galil mount that was a bit more forward, above the hatch and the front bin.

It appears afv club messed up the turret tie downs… I’m not overly impressed with the turret. It seems like they already had a Mk 5 and took a lazy approach to making a “Sho’t” the instructions show a small tube in the smaller brackets and the poles and canvas for the tent mounted on the rear

I understand reusing the mold, but they could have supplied the correct tie downs and had me scrape off the other ones

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Hmmm, I agree looks like it might be for a galil. Strange. AFV clubs instructions show them no where near the real placement, and show a mysterious pole in the bracket

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On upgraded Centurion Shot vehicles, not Shot Kals, there is a pole on some mounts there, but it is the pickaxe handle

Hmm, they do supply a pick axe handle and it looks similar to the mystery pole, even though not correct, I might use it. I fear I’ll do more harm than good removing the mounts now.

Frustratingly afv club suppose the spot light lenses but not the spot light….

I think I have spare tie downs from my archer. I can use to replace the wrong tie downs

Thanks for the excellent pictures and help

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Here is a very interesting photo from an upgraded Shot, not a Shot Kal:

Check the position of the Π brackets on the rear of the turret roof and the shape of the pickaxe handle mounts. I think the Π brackets are for storing the gun cleaning rods. The IDF repositioned them when they upgraded to Shot Kal standards

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So I have been looking into this for sometime
1st of all its for aerial poles initially.
In Dr Robert

Manasherob book the plans show two rows of tie forms same format as on side of coffin bin ( big bin on side of turret nice bed lol)
On a mk5 turret yet only one set on a mk3 turret
So we use to get lots of webbing straps to tie things to these eyes . So not a permanent strap.

Also on later models there a gun mount in between these two brackets as well

I check my other references later

To me the tube in the bracket on the instructions top view is a. 50cal spare barrel.


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I had wondered that too, alas there is no .50 on this variant. AFV club really made a muck of the instructions and turret details

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Now another dilemma.

On the Amusing Hobby box art, the .50 is on an elevated mount, just off to the left off the main gun on the top of the mantlet.
In the instructions, it tells you that it’s positioned above the gun in a cradle type mount with no elevation.
There is no elevated type of mount on the kit apart from the small one for the search light.
Do I have to make my own or I’m now thinking to forget it and just go with the searchlight…
And would the vertical mount for the light go through the canvas mantlet ?
Nothing is ever easy …:frowning:

hi the bracket which the Pick helve is in is a Rifle stowage Bracket or spare barrel stowage for .50 browning maybe. which is not fitted on shot kals
I found some more pictures showing different items fitted in the brackets.
these are shot KALs that due to lack of engines stayed METOR engined and did not get a new engine and only the rear extension and some other modifications.

be careful as I fell into this trap only yesterday by building something for a SHOT KAL when it was not fitted on a Kal my case a DALET.

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Should these brackets not be on a Kal then?

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Hi Johnny just looked at a .50 browning mounted on the searchlight bracket.
so this would have a mount for the gun which is fitted to the searchlight post, elevation is done by elevating the main armament.
This can be used for training as well so instead of firing main gun also for ranging a target also close support.

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Thanks Michael, I will do it with the .50 mounted then. Will use the searchlight post and do a bit of scratch building to do the mount for it .and cabling … Thanks :+1:

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Thanks Nikos, I will use that as a base to build my own base plate as the Amusing Hobby kit doesn’t have one in it … I know it won’t be historically correct, but I do that .50 there … Looks mean :grin:

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