I’ve been loving Vallejo Rattle can paint as of late; they offer the right shade of OD for WW2 vehicles; their Feldgrau color is a bit darker and more grey than Tamiya Field Gray, but It works great for my needs. and their Dunkelgelb is a bit more yellow than Either Tamiya’s Dark Yellow (XF60) and Dark Yellow 2 (XF88).
Yes Black 40 is Purbricks tank. I messaged Star decals with the updated info for the side of the turret they’re missing info about
You’ll enjoy the kit. I built it years ago, straight OOB, and enjoyed it thoroughly.
If you are not going down the rabbit hole with detailing you can do it OOB without to much work. I will see if I can find any images of Cr1 Mk1 with a dozer fitted.
These are Mk2/3’s
Normal side plates.
Armour pack side plates
Will try and find some others later.
Is that the Lancers “motto” on the turret? That would be a welcome addition to the Star Decals range.
Yes it is, I hope they add it, for now I’ll probably have to hand paint it on.
I might tackle a Challenger down the road, but not at the moment. Too much on my plate as it is right now… But I truly appreciate the help. Maybe it’ll motivate me to take a shot at one.
Road wheels… those and tracks are the bane of armor builds…
I’m going to try something different is paint the road wheels black, then paint on the mixed tan instead.
I’ll be watching this myself, I had a lot of fun building a couple of the Tamiya kits recently, and I’ll be darned if another one didn’t follow me home recently.
Wet over to my local Hobby Shop and they had the non-Desertized Challenger 1. I was tempted, but I’m holding until next paycheck, then maybe I’ll add it to the stash.
There’s one over here on evil bay, but to be honest, you’re better off just getting the desertized version as it has all the main parts for mk2/3 with some surgery…the original version is ok for only an early Mk1
If you have a Cold War Europe armor collection, you should pick up the Challenger Mk.1. Like the early M1A1s, it helped hold the line in Germany.
That’s the general idea. I could do the same with a Chieftain Mk5, but i think the Challenger 1 would be a great option as well for a Cold War ensemble of MBTs (M1 Abrams, Challenger 1, Leopard 1).
Also worth to mention; that Tamiya released two versions of the Desertised Challenger; 35154, which is the correct kit for the Challenger 1 Mk3 used in Op Granby, and 35274 (below), which is the more modern version, used during Op Telic.
Challenger 2 of 1 A Squadron, Queen’s Royal Lancers (QRL) on patrol in Basra, Iraq. 2004 during Op Telic.
Here are the two Tamiya Challenger I’s that I built. The BAOR from around 90/91, and the 91 Gulf War kit from about 15 years ago…
Do we have a Challenger challenge?
Allow me!
IMG_3924 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
Two Cr1 Mk3’s, one Cr2, all Balkans theaters. In the stash are a Cr1 and Cr2, one each, desertized
Showoff. LOL.
Dont forgot though, the box art and name is a bit off in some areas on 35154. To get a Mk3 you will need to do a bit of surgery on a few areas.