Convoy! Part 2

Group Build Title: Convoy! pt2

Group Build Leader(s): @barkingdigger

**Group Build Description:**This is a sequel to last year’s “Convoy!” build, and any kit started or proposed for the previous build can be carried on to completion here for an award! From the previous blurb:

This campaign is aimed at anything truck-like, essentially anything bigger than a Jeep but smaller than a Liberty Ship that moves cargo (and other stuff) from A to B with wheels. We’re talking Beeps, Deuces, Blitzes, Kenworths, Macs, Volvos, and any other rig that was originally designed on a chassis to haul stuff, even if your variant left the factory kitted out for something more specialized. Fire truck? Great! Recovery truck? Sure! DUKW in WW2 glory? Why not? Or a DUKW-tours modern conversion? Super! And if you’re into civvie trucks that’s great - I have a soft spot for the old AMT 1:25 rigs. And how about the classic Aussie outback Road Train? If you’d rather convert a tanker to the Mad Max 2 rolling pillbox that’d be fine too! My aim is to be as inclusive as possible, so we can all have fun building what we enjoy. Let’s say any scale, any country, any type, military or civilian or both!

And since the more ambitious builds often stall and take time, I’m open to existing part-builds (say not much more than 50-60% complete?) that get finished up for our deadline. (My own builds can stall for months or years…) You’ll need to post a “start” pic, and some “in-progress” pics along the way - preferably with stories and comments about the build.

Event Details: (Remember to click “Going” if you want to join the build!)

Completion Award: Anyone with “finished” pics by the deadline will get a badge that has yet to be designed.

A Note about Awards: The following text is a reminder that in order for people participating and finishing their projects to receive a badge on their forum profile, they will need to provide their account username to the group build leader by the completion date of the build. The leader will then provide this list to the site admin who will bulk award the badges to those users who have finished the group build. If you don’t provide your username or finish the project on the timetable the leader has setup you will not be able to receive an award.

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Breaker 10-4! Calling all truckers! Got your ears on, good buddies? I promised a sequel to the Convoy! campaign, and here it is! Click on the “Going” button to join the parade…

(A few truckers got lost along the way in the previous part - those builds would fit in just fine in this second part!)

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I am on! Maybe another Opel blitz tanker for my water bf 109.

I’m in too!

My Magirus S330 for the first Convoy groupbuild got sidelined by some other projects.This time I’ll finish it for sure!



Can’t wait to see it Angel!


My Scammell Pioneer Artillery Tractor is calling…

This is another one I would like to join if time permits.

If time permits I’ll join with an IBG 1/72 Italian 3Ro troop carrier

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Hi gang, just thought I’d point out the convoy starts in a week, so fill up those tanks and polish the chrome!

My first truck is going to be a magnet sweeper from WW2 - that’s a truck with a big electromagnet on the front bumper to pick up all those metal objects that would otherwise puncture tyres.

Can’t recall where I found the pic, so apologies to whoever I got it from!


I’d love to see you build that, I’ve never seen anything like it before
And thanks for the reminder about the campaign starting soon, I’ve signed up for so many I’ve forgotten what starts when.


I’m sure I’ve seen the pic of the Duce with the electro magnet in a book about the Red Ball Express. The text indicates the EM puls was to ‘sweep’ the cans out of the way for later pickup, as the ethos was to 'keep ‘em rolling’

Title: Red Ball Express: Supply Line from the D-Day Beaches



I haven’t seen that book - does it have pics of one? I assume there was a generator in the cargo bed to supply the juice…

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Ok it’s 1st of June here, so here is the 1st truck I’m doing.

Now I’m also going to do a Mack AC Bulldog tank transporter however that is still in the postal system but it’s load is here so as ‘it’s’ part of the build I thought I’d share that as well.
Got this second hand via Evilbay with no box.


Ok not hanging about, the FWD model B is almost built just some very small fiddly bits to add but don’t have any tweezers with me so they’ll have to wait until tonight.


Hi Luciano! That’s a mighty fast start to the campaign! I like the look of it so far - can hardly wait for the paint to start flying…

I’ll be cutting plastic on mine this afternoon.

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Campaign active!


Thanks Matt! (I hadn’t even noticed the “time” component of the start date…)


Any time Tom! Just doing my job!

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For anyone who’s already started - I’m certainly not a clock-watcher! Let’s get them rigs a-rolling…


Ok the Mack AC Bulldog arrived this afternoon so here’s the before shot. I’ll check it out then make a start. Also had a few other trucks arrive in the same parcel.