Crane Tank T-55TK 1:35

Hello model builders

Today, after the SPK-5 armored personnel carrier, we’re moving on to another armored personnel carrier. It’s the T-55 TK, the successor to the SPK-5 introduced into the Warsaw Pact armies in the early 1970s. It was built in Czechoslovakia. I used a T-55A kit from Tamiya and a kit from PanzerShop. The tracks are, as always, from Friul. The Panzer Shop kit requires a lot of modification, but it’s a huge help in building the model. Here are a few pictures of the original and the construction of the model.


Yes please. Combat roadside service vehicles are awesome.


Where do you bought the Panzershop conversion?

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Hello HermannB

I bought this conversion kit from E-Bav. It’s not easy to build because several dimensions on the model are incorrect. This affects the ground spike, the side tanks, and there are several issues with the crane. I also had to make modifications to the front plate, as you can see in the photo.

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Hi Joachim,
that´s bad to hear about the issues. The model will fit perfect into my NVA collection.

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Hallo HansHermann

I’ve looked into the problem. So, this kit is still available, which is good news for you. The price is another matter; it’s relatively high. Things aren’t looking so good for me, though. I’m looking for the MT-55 armored bridge-laying vehicle, which is no longer available. I’m posting pictures of the T-55TK kit here. You can already see that a lot of changes need to be made.


Thanks Joachim!

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What do you think of the quality of Panzershop in general? I could get DOK-M Radplaniergerät for 220 € plus shipping.

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Quality is always a different story with resin kits. You’re either lucky or unlucky when buying. The problem areas on the cast parts are usually in the most noticeable places. That means air bubbles or not completely filled. That’s what happened to me with the front plate that was supposed to be attached to the Tamiya model. One of the pictures shows how I solved the problem. I had the same problem when building the T-55T tractor. But these are things you have to expect when buying resin kits. Even worse are the incorrect dimensions used. The photos I showed last are from the PanzerShop website and have nothing to do with my work. The price is between $90 and $170, depending on the kit’s features.

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Nur gut das Modellbauer manchmal masochistich veranlagt sind. I build the M9 ACE from scratch years BEFORE the kit came out.

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Na, da kennst du nun deine nächste Aufgabe, den TK bekommst du auch in Scratch hin. Ich kenne Modellbauer, die das hervorragend gemacht haben.

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Schau mer mal… :slightly_smiling_face:

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HH - I don’t know if the NVA used this one, but with your skills I believe you could easily build it. I have quite the extensive walkaround of it - yours for the asking.


Most appreciated, thanks. But there are too much kits in the cue. When the new MT-LB kit from Zvezda arrives, I have to fill some gaps in my MT-LB variants collection.

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Hallo 18bravo

Ein sehr intessantes Bild. Hier handelt es sich um ein Bergefahrzeug, zu vergleichen mit dem BREM-1, aus polnischer Produktion. Dieses Fahrzeug wurde weder in der NVA noch in der Sowjetarmee eingesetzt. Dein Foto scheint in einem israelischen Museum gemacht worden zu sein. Hier noch paar Bilder aus dem Heft Concord. Der Nachbau ist genauso komplizert, wie der vom TK. Einfache Modelle gibt es nunmal nicht. Danke für deinen Beitrag.


Mein Foto stammt aus meiner persönlichen Sammlung von Walk arounds. Dieses handelt sich von einer irakischen Maschine in Fort Carson.


Danke für die Berichtigung, da lag ich mit Israel total falsch.

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Now back to the construction of the model. The hull was assembled, and the chassis was completed with Friul ATL-01 tracks. The tanks on the right side were modified, and the rear ground skid was widened. It’s important to note that the base for the crane is attached to the armored hull below the track cover. If you don’t consider this, the model will appear much too tall. So, there are many things to consider during construction. Here are a few more pictures of the build.


Welche Farbe nimmst du für die Bemalung? Die paar russischen Lkw die ich nach der Wende gesehen habe, kamen mir deutlich dunkler vor.

Sie Bilder entstanden Anfang der 90er Jahre in Thüringen.

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The light color appears due to the exposure during photography. In reality, the models are much darker, which bothers me, too. This plays a minor role for now when showing the construction process; I’ll have to pay more attention to realistically depicting the color tone in the finished model. I only use Elita paints.
By the way, good pictures of you.

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