Das Boot

Gloves are an excellent idea!


Superb face painting … It does have great features… the tones you have achieved really define them so well … :+1:


One of my all-time favorite movies.

Figures look fantastic.

Here is a story told to me about 30 years ago by someone older:

He said he had an uncle and aunt who lived on the North Carolina Outer Banks in the 1940s. According to him, it was not a tourist area, but sparsely populated, those of whom included fishermen. He indicated his uncle lived a considerable distance from any neighbors. Maybe a mile? I don’t recall exactly.

Sometime early in the war, 1942 I assume, he said his aunt and uncle heard a knock at their door in the middle of the night. Of course, they were startled. Callers were rare, unheard of at night.

He went to the door and a U-Boat captain (?) and some armed sailors were there.

The officer spoke English and explained his crew had taken some wounded and asked for some provisions, etc.

I was told that while armed, the sailors did not aim their firearms and were non-threatening.

I don’t recall what all was requested, but I was told the man supplied them as best as he could.

The officer insisted on making payment and offered Reichsmarks.

The man refused saying he could in no way redeem or exchange the money. The officer then said he must be given something and handed his lantern to the man.

I was told that the lantern was kept by this family for a long time.

I was also told that they received a few more visits by crews who landed via dinghies.

I asked if his uncle went to the FBI. I was told he asked his uncle the same thing. His uncle replied that the nearest FBI office was 50 miles away and obviously, there was nothing that could be done about any of this. The FBI could not save them.

The man who told me this story was one of the most kind and genuine people I have ever met. I imagine he is passed on by now; he did have health problems. I can imagine no reason for him to fabricate such a tale.

I will add that right after World War II, my father was a Navy Corpsman.

He told me about a Marine who told him he was alone on the beach at Cherry Point, NC while a U-Boat surfaced, some crew quickly busied themselves on deck, reentered the U-Boat and submerged.

If true, very interesting. I can only wonder how many other similar stories there were such as these.

I hope no one minds my relating this.


Nice story about the human side of the war…


No gloves, I want to get this set over with, HA! Tanks for the suggestion, though, Gents.

Tanks, Johnny!!

Wow, wild story, M70, that’s cool.

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Excellent painting Ski, the sculptor really caught that windswept look too, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

G, :beer:


OK, so white-knuckle ride it is :expressionless:


Dang, Tim, seems my reply got wiped too, sheesh. White knuckle ride it is, yep, lol.

Tanks, G-man.


Still looking great Steve. :+1::+1:


Ponies are done, now it’s just a matter of getting back into the bunker.


Nice work Ski! You’re a multi-talented guy! Now where’s that display cabinet for your wife?


Ah, Bro, ya gotta bring that up, sheeeattttttttt! It’s a few bucks down the road, after a recently rebuilt engine, (less than 3k miles, btw), with a head gasket replacement, $1k, plus a new fire pump, $2k, plus, plus, wtf, over? It never ends, but I get your point. Dang me, I can’t even find tortillas for under a buck, wtf? This has to be a communist conspiracy, gotta be!

Matt, you have nailed the hammer on the head. Priority is an exotic wood, which I can acquire locally, great wood grains and tones towards the red, but me Mum loves it, and she is the final arborator. So, that is the plan, within the next month or two, cause guys have been rackin me for over 3yrs now, get er done. And of course, the cost of the glass, but let’s just get the wood first, lol. Bro, stuff is getting ridiculous, so we’re making plans accordingly, like everyone else.

We’ll Ruck On from here, Bro!

P.S. BTW, I was working on the base to the sub deck today, we’re back in the groove, so far, yup!

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I don’t, but you’re butting into my territory as “King of the Off-Topic Post” and I can’t let that go unchallenged…
Back in my Granddad’s time (WW1) a U-Boat surfaced a couple of miles north of Whitehaven (north-west corner of England), but they weren’t just sightseeing. They got busy with the deck gun lobbing projectiles into a neighbouring small town, Lowca. It wasn’t just random malice, there was a “Top Secret” chemical processing facility useful for the war effort; but the Germans knew it was there as they’d installed it a few years earlier. Of the 55 shells fired the majority hit everything but their target, and when a quick-witted individual at the works released a gas flare they thought it was “mission accomplished” and b-gg-red off, having done little damage. Casualties were announced as “One Dog, no children”. Although the attack took place around 5 a.m. it was the height of summer (therefore daylight) and good weather, so a pier a couple of miles away became packed with people enjoying the spectacle…
The submarine was U-24 under Kapitänleutnant Rudolf Schneider, who was later drowned after being swept out of the conning tower of U-87 in stormy weather (Yay! Back on topic…). About a month before the bombardment he had sunk the SS Armenian with the loss of 29 of her (mostly American) crew and 1,400 mules (on topic for the “Animals as weapons or cargo carriers” thread!).
:unicorn: ( Couldn’t find a “Mule” icon…)


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I hope you signed those nags, they’re brilliant & good to last 200+ years when your gt.gt.gt. grandkids will wonder who made ‘em?


Most excellent Bro!

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Ya know, I never did think to sign them. Ah, the kids will know where they came from.

Tanks, Matt! The sub deck is mounted, cleaning up and flat black paint to follow soon. My Boss has just identifed another “wood” project in need of doing, oh dear. Here we go,… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Those ponies are brilliant Ski, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:, which one is your mount, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

G, :beer:

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Lol, you laugh, but I have most certainly tested them both, and they’re a blast, HA!. I won’t post a pic here; it might go viral and I’d be asked to perform in the overgrown Baby Huey Club reunion talent show. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/328059154076137276/


2nd Lieutenant

I enjoyed my break from the bunker, but now it’s time to get moving on these last three figures. Back at the bench I was able to start work on the 2nd Lieutenant and get the face in order, but not completed. The first photo is a light shadow setting to start the process. After working the flesh tones in the same manner as the prior faces I applied the base tones for the uniform. Things are starting to move along much faster now.

Deck photos will be posted soon. I have pretty much completed everything that needs to be done on it, so I am happy with that. Feel free to comment, more to follow soon.

Cheers, Ski.


Very envious of your painting skills Ski - if only there was a pill I could take to be at your level rather than invest years of work to achieve it … :wink: