Das Boot

Now that would have been great, say, oh, 45yrs ago, lol. I tell ya, once you get after it, the results will start to pop for you. Thanks, RDT!

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Steve the skintones you achieve are just amazing. The gradiation, hues, and blending are absolutely flawless. Your results are nothing short of perfection. After 55 years of building models, I am just now trying to do figures, but Iā€™ll never come near your level - I donā€™t have another 45 years!


Donā€™t sell yourself short, Brother, you can, thatā€™s just it, you can! Tanks, Man!

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Chief Engineer Fritz

Moving right along to the next figure, Chief engineer Fritz has received his initial facial work using the same process as before. It can be challenging to get a decent paint job done on a face with such exaggerated features, but I think heā€™s close. There are still quite a few details to feather in as well as glint in the eyes and a few minor adjustments. Iā€™ve set him aside now to dry while I start on the Captain figure.

Not shown here Iā€™ve also placed a base coat on his rain jacket and trousers, etc., just to get the ball rolling for later. More to follow real soon.

Thanks for watchin. Cheers, Ski.


Super work Ski ā€¦ I have just started watching season 1 of the 2018 ? series ā€¦ enjoying it so far.


Great job as usual. :+1::+1:


Quite a figureā€¦ again great work!

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Ski, this figureā€™s face looked very cartoonish and ape-like in the raw. Your skill and talent have brought it to symmetry and life in a spectacular fashion.

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Thanks, Matt and Erwin. By looking at the ears and forehead you can see quality control was lacking, severely. Iā€™m pushing thru this set as best I can with whatā€™s here while at the same time trying not to produce a mess.

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Thanks for thart. I remember watching the original in Berlin, in German. Was unaware of the 2018 series.


Same here. I looked it up last night and found it available on Amazon Prime Video (buy only)ā€¦ propellor screw that! :bubbles: ā€¦āŠ|āŠ

ā€”mike :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Iā€™m no expert on its accuracy etc but thus far it is a pretty good watch ā€¦

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Captain Willen Brock has the Con!

The last figure to work is Captain Brock. Heā€™s still looking rather rough, needing cheek work and more attention to the beard and eye areas, but the base work is set. He does have a slight pale look to him right now, but I will fix that as well.

I went ahead of myself and started working the rain coat just for fun to see how the color tones would work. Thereā€™s a lot of surface area to cover, but I like the initial tones. Iā€™ve also worked the cap a little. I always work from top to bottom, so Iā€™ll hold off on the coat for now and get this head completed before moving any further on the rest of the figure.

I had pretty much finished the deck a few weeks back, for the most part, but still needed to close out the sliced portion and also take care of some minor clean-ups here and there. Photos will be much better when this is all completed, but hereā€™s just a rough idea of how the deck looks right now. I added a seat that was missing from the scene and corrected some of the flag issues, mainly the provided flag was way too big and the rigging points were not represented.

I used copper wire for the heavy cable rigging and flag rope which made it much easier to resemble a flag blowing in the wind. I didnā€™t go overboard, lol, on the upgrades of this deck, but I did want to spruce it up just enough to present a better picture of the scene.

Once I go back and finish off all the faces and cap I will work my way down each figure in sequence. Itā€™s much easier to run a production line when most of the figures have the same uniforms, etc. More to follow soon.

Cheers, Ski.


Again lovely work! The face of Herr Kaleun looks thoroughly weather beatenā€¦

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Tanks, Erwin. Adjustments have already been made, so heā€™s real close now :wink:


I know weā€™ve discussed this but I just have to say , youā€™ve turned a less than " good " set of figures into your standard greatness .
Although it should be a labor of love and art on quality figures , ā€¦ not Frankensteinā€™s reconstruction lab on turning Night of the Living Dead cast members into your magic .
Well done man !!!


Your results are so spectacular, I just canā€™t imagine what you could do starting with a set of great figures!

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I so wish you hadnā€™t said that; my malfunctioning mind is now filled with images of a rusty, weed covered conning tower (as seen on ā€œDrain the Oceansā€) with a ā€œPirates of the Caribbeanā€ undead crewā€¦
:pirate_flag: :skull: :ghost: :bone: :mermaid:t2:
Worse yet, I have enough unbuilt plastic fantasy skeletons and zombies that it would once have been viable in 28mm/1:56th scale but Iā€™m SO not going there now!



Tanks, Glenn! This set has been a Baby Rump kisser from the beginning and I donā€™t fancy the incredible amount of effort to bring these guys up to speed. The paint shows just how peeved I actually am, and that is a sad issue, IMHO! Get over it, I know, but Iā€™m ā€œnotā€ recommending this set to ANYONE!

However, like my beauty of a bride of almost 34 yrs, thereā€™s always gonna be a pretty lady who can crank some tunes on a sax to bring one out of a resin stuper:


Tanks, Mucho, C3PO, :rofl: :joy: :crazy_face: your comments are so much appreciated. Thanks, Matt!

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