I agree…but… Houston we have a problem!
And the problem is that even though we know very well that some finishing works are quite useless since these works will disappear inside the plane and will be completely invisible, well we still tend to make them as best as possible…sigh!
Without going too far, my 2 engines presented here are an emblematic case. What will you see after they are housed in their nacelles on the wings? Nothing, or almost nothing…
And despite this, how much time did I waste to make them that way?
In 1821, the famous Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni, in the ode entitled “5 May”, dedicated to the death of Napoleon Bonaparte, wrote “Was it true glory? For posterity the arduous sentence”
Well, was it worth it? For posterity the arduous sentence!
Ok, let’s say that the engines are definitely a complex part of the kit. My hope is that the final look can be as close to the real thing as possible. They were finally mounted on their mounts and each inside their respective nacelles.
The nacelles themselves were painted on the exterior with Tamiya XF-83 over a light pre-shade, just to not look like they just came off the assembly line The entire interior is Tamiya AS-12 as per the instructions.
I don’t like spraying directly from the rattle can at all, so I previously collected some of this paint from it in an empty jar. After a few hours to let the paint lose the propellant from the rattle can, I simply sprayed it from my airbrush diluted 1:1 with Mr. Leveling Thinner.
Any comments, even constructive criticism is highly appreciated. Thanks
Looking good. Btw, are the engine cowling covers designed to come off as Tamiya did in P-51 and Spitfire? I remember seeing guys detailed the engine in those fighter planes and they were able to take the covers off if they so desired. It would be shame to hid those engines.
Well Mike, looking at the instructions that follow the answer is: YES, WE CAN! ( mmmm. this expression reminds me of something…).
Jokes aside, small magnets are provided to glue inside the cowlings that allow you to attach them or not, hiding or showing those engines!
After the time and effort needed to bring them to life, I also think it’s a shame to hide them forever.
I also mounted one of the supplied magnets inside each engine heads, which will work with the ones I will mount on the cowlings.
Hi guys
Today’s updates are about the wing root, its connection to each wing half, followed by the main landing gear and its connection to the engine nacelles, and finally the connection of the nacelles to the wings.
The whole thing has become quite heavy and quite large, also creating some difficulties for me in photographing. By the way, the effect is impressive. Everything fits perfectly, the details are stunning, there is really no need for aftermarket in my eyes. I think I have no particular merits, you just have to follow the instructions to bring out a beauty, just a good painting.
A little weathering of the wheels and the landing gear legs and we are ready to go
I attach some photos of the various steps, up to the current construction phase.
But guys, stay tuned. Still missing the main landing gear retraction arms, brake lines, and radiator pipes to complete the landing gears, nacelles, and engines detailing. Next time.
Looking terrific! And indeed sizable… Then to think I have the 1:24 Airfix kit in the stash!
Thank you Erwin. Yes, It’s big. I can’t imagine the dimensions of yours in 1/24. You don’t need a big display, you need a new room! But I should be less witty, since I just bought a B-17 in 1/32, a huge thing!!!
If I ever get around to building it, I’ll spend much more money on a proper display case than I’ve ever spent on all my models.
I feel with you: I have the 1:32 Lancaster also lurking around…
Wow. Quite impressive.
Thank you!
Ah Ah… Let me know if you have room for the two fatties
That will only happen when one of the children leaves the nest…
Outstanding quality to the build and the painting really takes it up several levels … Is this all kit parts or were some of the wing details 3D?
Hi John, your compliments are much appreciated. Thank you very much! As for your question, no, everything you see on the wings comes out of the box
Then that level of detailing is even more impressive
Coming along very nice Dan. One thing sure is striking to me about your photography of the build station…it is clean and organized. Pretty cool stuff!!!
My workbench isn’t actually that wide, so I’m kind of forced to keep it a bit clean and tidy.
as anticipated in my last work progress were missing the main landing gear retraction arms, brake lines, and radiator pipes to complete the landing gears, nacelles, and engines detailing.
So here are the missing parts
Now a general view of the construction site.
Oops…something went wrong during assembly? Maybe there were a Mosquito version sporting a high mounted wing?
Oh yes, I’ve got it now.
Next step the Hispano 20mm cannons. It looks like it will be quite a demanding job, but my experience with this kit makes me think of a nice final result.
To the next.
Great update. It is looking brilliant … so nicely detailed