Does ANYBODY Make Decent 3D Figures?

Shapeways has been gone and back from bankruptcy (a la Toys R Us), but I cannot help wonder if I can find figures anywhere else.

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AliExpress - beware some might be pirate copies, but many are legit.

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It depends on the scale you are looking for. You might like to check out a couple of companies:
FC Model Trend (, and 3D Gizmo (


Are you looking for the stl files or the final printed figures? Or someone to print what you have?

There are a few vendors on ebay,
pjprinters do a range of civilian figures in various scales, with a variety of body shapes/ sizes i.e. real world.

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This is a question that cannot be answered like this. What are you looking for? Topic, scale?


I like these from eBay -Robert Johnson in the UK.

WWII RAF Lancaster Bomb Load - 10 Figure Set | eBay

Offered in other scales

I download a few from Cults.

How were they?

Well, it depends on the modeling. Some look “strange”, with few details and very “organic” but I have downloaded a crew for Canadian Shermans that are better than the Alpine ones. most are “acceptable”. You have to waste a little time searching.

Those are for my rocket launcher, looks good. I will place along the Miniart ones

You can find digures, and most are of great quality. You just need to do some research. AND believe it or not, local .odel clubs are a great asset. How is that? It is almost a given fact that there will be someone there that will will have a 3d resin orinter, and uf all else fails who will know soneone who does. So dont be disappointed, seek them out! And you just may find some great friends and fellow modelers!

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ETSY…I just searched under “1/35 figures.” Sure, some may be knockoffs, so please be careful.

Here are some random 1/35 figure results from ETSY…


Well, those napping marines in Vietnam are definitely rip offs. They are from Callsign models.

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The first image is a 1/16 figure from Jeff Shiu. Maybe it’s just the image that is a ripoff as the scale is different.

A lot of truth in that statement!

Several months ago, someone at model club had designed their own tracks for a Japanese tank and printed them at home. The Model-Kasten tracks weren’t readily available so he just made his own.

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Nice. Here are some “random” figures from AliExpress. :slight_smile:

What is this unhealthy obsession with adjustable wrenches? Apparently it expands beyond the Chinese border:

More from AliExpress:


Exactly…good luck!

A lot of the Ali express stuff are knock- offs, to the point of copying the box art of the originals , particularly Paracel and Evoltion stuff.

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I find this ETSY Hong Kong seller to sell unique and original 3D printed figures. She can’t print them larger because her 3D printer doesn’t allow it…1/32 is probably the largest one can get, not 1/16…I asked. (I am not affiliated with her).


I think I found my new avatar!