Easter is lurking, and with it tons of chocolate eggs wrapped in thin aluminum foil that comes in dozens of colors. Select the appropriate egg, carefully peel off that foil, smoothen it somewhat, punch out and affix and cover with Future or any other clear gloss paint. This also works behind clear plastic kit parts, of course.
Enjoy the chocolate!
Bummer, no eggs in the cupboard- looks like a shopping trip is needed.
Brilliant idea.
I just did rearview mirrors using standard aluminum foil yesterday and was about to paint reflectors. Now they’ll just have to wait until a trip to the store. Not to mention… I dodged V-day candy and now I must hunt for Easter eggs!
Just a reminder: december chocolates come wrapped in just as many colorful aluminum foils as their Easter companions. Here’s an example of red foil behind a clear kit part:
That looks great Peter. Is that am M1 Panther II you have there? Looks great. I just finished one a few weeks ago. Mine was the Dragon kit….
So’s mine - the vehicle, that is, with a mine roller from mini Art Studio in Hong Kong of 1994 vintage. A bilingual build report is published at
Excellent idea. Also, bearing in mind that we are fast approaching Christmas, a good source for reflectors is tinsel (again cut to shape, and fixed with PVA white glue. For those looking for something to replicate periscope lenses on modern armour (Abrams, Challenger 2, etc), this is also perfect for the job, particularly as it comes in various colours.
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Yeah that’s a good idea Paul. May have to try that.
Yes ! I’m familiar with the article; I used it for reference when I built mine Peter. Great job on it
Here’s a few photos of my M1A2 vision ports and gunners sight treated with red and gold garland from the Christmas tree. A lifetime supply just from the stuff that falls off. Get it while it’s unpacked!
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SSG Toms,
Exactly! … perfect for 1/35 scale or larger.
Actually, I focus on small-scale armour (1/76 and 1/72). I have found this material to be far too shiny
for my purpose. Instead, I tend to paint my periscope lenses on modern armour with red, yellow, orange and purple acrylics, and finish with a coat of either satin or gloss varnish for a more in-scale appearance.