Fallout WIP

Thank you very much folks. Yesterday I added various sized grit to the base with the intention of revisting it today for some paint washes etc. However, when I came back to it this morning, I’m not sure it’s needed tbh.


Dont touch it … it needs nothing Paul. less groundwork is more sometimes :+1:

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It might need some fluorescend green paint but thats all :grinning:

Base looks great as it is!


Nuka Cola rules!! :wink:
Will they be armed ??

This is uber cool!! :star_struck:

You are really capturing the essence of the game. :+1:t2:

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Green will have an AK47, Yellow will have a flame-thrower.

Thanks for the info !! Waiting for an update :eye:

Are you going to make the weapons a cobbled together POS like in the game?

They “flamethrower” comes that way anyway…or at least it did. While attaching it I dropped the figure and lost bits of the thrower :sob:… bits lost to the carpet monster​:weary:

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get some sprue and string and fabricate some parts like in the game.


I have a plan… :thinking:

I might actually dig the game out again and have a replay …

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And that is the right concept! :metal:

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A bit closer to having this finished…need to work on a bit more general junk etc, but the boys are almost finished


ah just another day in Chernobyl lol

great work so far!

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Great looking figures Paul, They do look very apocalyptic … very nicely done

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yeah, great concept and layout.

Calling this one all but done. Might add the ETA bits when they get here…


Fantastically desolate scene you’ve created there Paul. The way you have the two figures spread out really emphasises the idea of a wasteland with only these two picking their way through the ruins. The whole thing really works well together.


Thank you very much Karl. I was beginning to doubt the wisdom of the separation distance of the figures. But as you say, it adds to the sense of desolation.

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