Ferdinand interior

Please does anyone have any more detailed information on the standby ammo rack in the interior of the Ferdinand?

This strandby ammo rack is not preserved on Ferdinad in Kubinka, nor on Elefant in Aberdeen. Only the holder on the exhaust cover is visible.

In historical photos, it is also not visible, only partially in the photo below.

Thanks to all!

If you can access the instructions for Amusing Hobbies Ferdinand with interior that may answer your questions.
:smiley: :canada:

Perhaps, or perhaps not.
I did an accuracy check on Amusing Hobby’s Tiger (P), kit 35A051. They gave it a full interior, but I found a lot wrong with the crew compartment.


This book might help-

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Thanks, I have and use this book, it is very detailed, but I am not convinced of the correct solution to this part. Otherwise, the author deserves a compliment for what he was able to produce.
Otherwise, a model from Amussing hobby with interior - I have this kit, but I am rebuilding about 95% of the interior, and many parts in exterior due to the fact that everything here is not completely correct and the level of detail does not satisfy me :slight_smile:

3D printable models that I create for the model:

For your idea, a few photos from the construction:



Impressive work

Absolutely amazing

incredible level of detail

Awesome work

here are some screenshots from il2 hope this helps

Maybach HL 120 in colors



Great job.
Have you seen this book?


I have not seen this book.
Is there any interesting information here?

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Its a great history of the development of the series, I’m not sure off hand if it has alot of interior shots, I’d had to take a look at it.

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Those engines look great!

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Here’s the link to an AMPS review The Porsche Tiger and Ferdinand Tank Destroyer

You can purchase it here David Doyle Books

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A few more photos, the lower part of the interior of the body is 90% finished.