My 1/32 Fly 1/32 Hurricane MkIIc. This thing stalled while I worked out how to fit the cockpit interior because the instructions lie and there are no positive fixing points. Working out where parts actually fit is almost impossible so it’s down to trial and error, test fitting and skipping backwards and forwards in the instructions to try and work it out. The redeeming factor of this kit is the excellent surface detail but it has been a real pain just to get this far and I have only persevered because I don’t have a Hurricane in 1/32 in my collection and I really want to paint the markings for this Night Intruder, “Night Reaper”.
Moving on with my Fly Hurricane IIC. Spiner fitting, as usual with this kit the method of doing it in the instructions is pants unless you want to glue it in. And my method of masking canopies. I forgot to add that after stretching the parafilm let it relax before folding it.
Yes, lots of head scratching, and that continues. The next update has been delayed because of it again! But I am determined to get this to the painting stage and I was labouring under the misapprehension that would happen this last weekend but no! I have a feeling that Kotare will release a Hurricane, I hope so there is a sad lack of state of the art Hurricane models in 1/32. I will not be building another one of these Fly kits! I’m also hoping that Kotare release a Spitfire XIV in 1/32.
Yep, and why I haven’t built it yet. I do have 3 HPH resin kits and one from Silverwings, all of which I intend to build and would probably be easier than this Fly Hurricane. I did buy some of HPH’s slow-set epoxy, which I’m hoping will make building these resin kits easier but I still haven’t bitten the bullet!
I’ve seen quite a few builds of the Fly Hurricane since it originally released but no mention of the cockpit not fitting well within the fuselage. I have one started but test-fitting didn’t reveal any issues although I have not closed the fuselage yet.
Interesting that you haven’t seen any potential problems with fitting the internals for the cockpit. I’m interested in how you plan on doing it because it ain’t going well!
Things haven’t gone completely smoothly with my 1/32 Fly Hurricane Mk IIc since my last update but it has moved on now and quite significantly in the fact that I can see the painting stages looming. Still things to do but it’s onto the wings where the hardest part is going to be positioning the Master turned 20mm cannons. But that’s for later, now feel my slight frustration to get where it is now. Descriptions in the photos.
Right, let’s get the wings on! Oh, hang on, nope I have to sort out the canon fairings. Again there are no proper fitting points for the kit canons. It probably wouldn’t matter, to be honest, as I’m using Master’s turned brass ones. But at least there would have been a starting point. The problem that I see is getting the fairings in and all 4 actually pointing the same way and on the same plane. Because I feel that to achieve this it will be better to have the wings in position so that I have the fuselage as a reference. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Anyway, to be able to add the fairings after the wings are together will mean that I need to add a stop to prevent the fairings from falling inside the wing. Wouldn’t that be fun! My plan is to tack the fairings into place on the lower wing with CA, add the stop then use debonder (nail varnish remover) to remove them. Then they can be added after the wings are in position.
While I’m fannying around trying to do that, there is, predictably, a lot of careful filing of the openings to get the fairings to fit properly, I did a little painting. Descriptions in the photos.