Anyone making any progress on their builds yet?
I haven’t started yet, but hope to get cracking on it soon.
Happy New Year all!
No, I have few builds ahead of it but I have been going through the boxes to make sure I have all the parts. My plan is add a bunch of these interior details.
Not yet. I think I will wait on the Kitty Hawk 1/35 HH-60H to come out. Any day now…
I haven’t started yet as “Marvin” the paranoid android is causing me some issues…and he was supposed to be an easy build.
Well I have 2 builds going simultaneously, soon to be 3 with the Kiowa.
Stay at home order Mig-31BM from May.
T-55A for the MiniArt Campaign started Dec15th.
And the Kiowa, soon to start.
I’m just waiting on a couple of extras for the kit I’m going to build. Should be able to make a start by the end of this month.
Is it still ok to join this campaign? I’ve an AFV Club OH-58D I’d like to build, just not sure whether to build it as a Taiwan or US aircraft because I can’t just build it OOB.
@Maximus8425 hell yes you can join and I’d like to see a good build log of that kit as well.
Before I join a quick question, are autogiros allowed?
@Littorio sure I will let it fly, sorry for the bad pun a moment of weakness, it won’t happen again lol
is it the James bond airfix “little nell” kit?
Hi, count me in, David,
I have an old Fujimi Seaking kit (RAF Rescue) and a bigger one, the MH-53E Sea Dragon of Italeri which are sitting long enough on my shelf
My Kitty Hawk 1/35 HH-60H is on it’s way across the Pacific. I should have it Monday.
I haven’t decided on which markings option yet.
I think I will add the Inlet Barrier Filters to it though.
@markiii the actual campaign thread is in the aviation campaign section and this is were people are supposed to be posting their work.
This thread was really to test the water and see if anyone was interested in a helicopter campaign, as well as getting people to sign up for it. This was all being set up as Staff_Jim was still constructing the site and setting up the campaign sections in each category.
I will try and get a moderator to merge the threads or possibly close this one down if it can’t be done.
The threads have been merged. Please post all further progress on builds in the Helicopter 2 Campaign thread.