HMCS Agassiz 1941

I have been looking forward to building a short fo’c’sle Flower for some time. I also have the Anatomy of the ship book on that ship, The book also has lines plans for the hull, and comparisons between short and long fo’c’sle.

The Kit is by Black Cat Models

The cast resin hull.

The undercutting under the fo’c’sle, very nice indeed.

The resin superstructure parts.

The plethora of 3D printed parts.

There is also a small etched fret with railings and the suchlike, and turned brass masts.

Keel laying with the next few weeks.

Cheers, Si


I’m a long time Flower Class fan and looking forward to following along on your build. It looks like a nicely done kit.



Hi Colin,

Welcome aboard. I must admit a soft spot for the Flower class and a huge respect for the men that served on them. Those little ships certainly punched above theer weight, considering most of their crews were Hostilities only and reservists. The Kit is very well done, the resin castings are crisp, all four of them. The 3D printed parts are good quality and the instructions are clear. Black Cat now has 5 Flower class in 1/350, another short fo’c’sle three very different long Fo’c’sle.

I am very much looking forward to building this one.




I have made a small start on the Agassiz.

The hull with the pour stub.

The pour stub removed and mostly cleaned up, at this stage just needed a final light sand.

The hull as been sprayed with Tamiya TS66, quite a good match to AP507B, and masked off ready for the lower hull to be sprayed anti fouling red…

Lower hull sprayed, and deck painted Tamiya XF77, with the old hairy stick

I have started to prep and paint some of 3d printed and etched parts.

There might be a short break in posts, Mrs Duster’s Birthday next weekend, so I doubt workshop time will be forthcoming.

Back soon,

Cheers, Si


You’re aware 507B “Medium Grey” didn’t exist, I assume? That’s an error made by Alan Raven in the 1970s when he had a bunch of old paint samples, a bunch of names and married them up until he had none left. It’s been widely repeated by other authors who don’t do proper research and just copy other peoples’ homework since, but nevertheless it didn’t exist. 507B existed, but it was identical to 507A in colour i.e. dark grey, only 507B had a glossy finish and 507A was matt.

The 1936 formula finalised the colour used until the early 1950s as published in AFO 2680/36 (NS 3501/36)(05/11/36).

Dark grey paint, Pattern 507B
Pattern 409 White Lead 21lbs
Pattern 104 Zinc oxide 56lbs
Pattern 689 Paste Driers 3.5lbs
Oil, linseed, raw 12pts
Oil, linseed, boiled 8pts
Turpentine substitute 2pts
Pattern 370A Blue-black paste 7lbs
Ten pints of dark grey enamel, Pattern 11, to be added to each cwt of paint

The Pattern 11 dark grey enamel made 507B harder wearing and glossy, a peacetime decision made in the late 1920s because battleships were repainting on average 8 times per year trying to stay looking smart and a tougher paint was desired.

Gloss paints were both expensive and undesirable in wartime due to reflection and glare though:
AFO 211. Mixed Paints (N.S./D.A. 1106/38-19.1.1939.) states the following:

Mixed Paints
Dark grey paint, Home Fleet shade, for other than weather work, is being added to the Authorised List as Pattern 507a. The formula is the same as Pattern 507B except that the enamel is omitted.
2. The description of Pattern 507B has been amplified to read:- “Paint mixed, dark grey, Home Fleet shade, for weather work”.

We see in this important AFO that Pattern 507A and 507B are both Home Fleet shade and featured identical pigmentation, only including or excluding the enamel paint and intended for different parts of the ship.

On the 17th of October 1940 AFO 3935.- Economy of Paint during the War (D. 12427/40.-17.10.1940.) was published giving the following orders to the fleet (orders (i) and (ii) omitted as not relevant to paint discussion):

During hostilities it has been decided that considerable economies are to be effected in the painting of H.M. ships and auxiliaries. The following instructions are, therefore, promulgated for information and guidance:-
(iii) Finishing Coats:- The use of enamel is to be entirely suspended for the duration of the war in all ships, when stocks in the dockyards have been used up. For internal work … . For external work two coats are to be applied. For parts visible from outside the ship, the finishing coats are to be matt paint.
(iv) Varnish.- The use of varnish on spars is to be discontinued, wood spars generally are to be painted.
(v) Decks.- Bare steel weather decks visible from the air are to be painted with two coats of red oxide of iron followed by two coats of non-slip grey paint. Bare steel decks below …

Effectively this would have suspended 507B shortly thereafter and this was confirmed in AFO 4074 Economy in the Use of Zinc Oxides (D.8136/41 – 18. 9.1941) which explicitly discontinued the use of 507B during the period of hostilities.


Hi Jamie,

Thank you for looking in.

Actually I didn’t know, 507B didn’t exist, I reckon I have been guilty of copying other peoples homework, but am always willing to learn.




Some progress.

I am pretty much following the kit instructions, this kit is very well done, but does have a very large number of very small parts. Not a problem as the instruction booklet is very clear and nicely printed.

Starting on the fo’c’sle head, the winch, anchor, vents and a few other bits and peices in place.

The forward gun platform, starting test fitting the 12 individual supports.

The location holes are all deeper for’d and shallower aft to take into account the sheer on the deck, and it worked very well.

The gun plaftorm in place. the undercut beneath the foredeck is quite deep, and looks to match the drawings int eh AOTS book on the ship.

The main superstructure test fitted, very tidy.

For a model so small, abt 170mm long it has an impressive part count over 220 3d printed parts, with some spares on the smaller stuff, and 60 etched parts.

Nowhere near as daunting as it sounds.

Cheers, Si


If you want more references, Drachinifel has two videos on the Flowers; one an overview of the class as a whole – Flower class - Guide 124 – and one where he tours HMS Sackville in Halifax harbor during his Canada trip last year.


Hi Sean,

Thanks for looking in, and thanks for the tip on the videos, I will take a look. I have always beleived you can never have enough references.

All the best.



Slow progess on this one as well.

With about 30 ready use dpeth charges on the main deck, they are taking a while to get painted neatly with my tired old eyes. About 2/3rds of the way through.

The lower two decks of the bridge structure painted and fitted in place,

The throwers and ready use charges sprayed, ready for detail painting.

The throwers fitted, along with a few other bits and peices.

And some rigging added to the loading Davits.

Hoping to get the ready use charges finished and in place over the next week or so.




Very small update.

Finally all the ready use reloads for the depth charges are painted and fitted.

Bit more work on the bridge done too.



You’re “tired old eyes” are doing some very nice work. :+1:

The kit’s coming together nicely.



The Black Cat kit looks fantastic.

Wish I could justify the cost and snag one but its expensive here and I already have a Mirage kit in the stash :sob:

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Hi Colin.

Welcome aboard, Thank you for your kind comment. It is a really nice kit, the 3D printing is very crisp, which does help my tired old eyes.

Cheers, :beer:


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Hi Rory,

They are not cheap in the UK either, but I guess it is quite a bit cheaper on this side of the pond. As much as this is a very enjoyable build, I don’t think i can find the cash for another one of the multilpe variants Black cat have available.

To be fair the Mirage kit actually goes together very well, and with the White Ensign etch can look very good.

Thanks for looking in mate much appreciated.

Cheers, :beer:


Thank-you for the welcome Si but I joined you right at the beginning. As I enjoy each of your posts I have a look at the Flower Class kits on my shelf and know I have to get the hobby room disaster area sorted out so some building can happen. Thanks for the encouragement/motivation your build’s providing. Great work.


Hi Colin,

My apologies, and thank you for your very nice comment, you are very welcome. Will you be posting your build?



Hopefully…someday :grin:


Missed the start of this Si :smile:

All caught up now… watching with interest. Looks like a nice kit… :grinning:

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Welcome aboard anyway Russ, not a problem. :+1:

It is a very nice kit, lots of parts. I am sort of trying to justify to myself the cost of one of the other variants of the Flower that Black cat produce. These kits are not cheap, but there is a certain value for money in the completness of the kit, and for a small ship the high part count, it is very time consuming. But definitely worth the effort.

Cheers, Si :smiley: :beer:

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