HMS Dreadnought 1907 1/350 - First Ship Build

For those in the know, are the Trumpeter and the Revell Dreadnought kits similar?
I see Pontos makes an upgrade kit for a Zeveda kit. Has anyone tries the Pontos kit on either the Trumpeter or the Revell kit?

Well it looks like the Revell kit is a rebox of the Zvezda, so what works for one should work for both. But between the toolings of the Trumpeter and the Zvezda kit, I didn’t want to chance it for the Pontos set. The PE would likely be workable, but for the supplied wood deck, even if there’s a millimeter difference between cutouts and deck details between kits, it won’t fit.

The Revell Kit is indeed a repop of the Zvezda Kit…Cheers Mark

More progress today, finished the davits and after market railings. I was dreading the railings a little bit, but while still somewhat tricky, it was less challenging than expected. Mainly because the wood deck gives a nice edge to glue up to.

Also started cutting out pieces for the plexiglass cover, though with no proper glue to build it, there’s not much to show. Repairing and finishing the rigging is next.


I hope my zvezda version turns out as well. Of course, If I start that, trumpeter will bring out a 1/200, causing much rejoicing and sadness in equal measure.

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It never even crossed my mind that there could eventually by a 1/200 Dreadnought… Now that would be something, almost 32" long. Oh well, I’ll have to content myself with the 1/200 Arizona for now

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It always surprised me that it took so long for any mainstream model kit of the dreadnought to be released. Surely the most important battleship development ever would garner more interest. Even Airfix failed to do one in 1/600.

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Craig, probably the same reason the RN is generally under represented overall as model kits: the Royal Museums hold the plans and drawings of RN ships and a commercial licensing fee is payable should a model company wish to convert them into a model kit for sale… :thinking:

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yeah, but this exists:


First printed 1992?

Admittedly a bit late for Hey-day Airfix. Still, I’m not sure a few inaccuracies would have bothered them that much…

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I was thinking the exact same thing, though I thought the dates between the book and kit were closer.


The current ‘revised’ edition is 2013. I’m not sure what the differences are. Seem to be about the same page count. I have the revised edition. It is the most complete set of plans and drawings in the history of things.

Spent the past couple nights repairing and adding rigging. Pretty fun once you get into a groove. I had to look at pics from existing builds as the Anatomy of the Ship only shows the rigging from the elevation. Makes it hard to figure where some of the lines fall. So it’s a bit of guesswork, and likely incomplete/not fully accurate, but I like it.

Don’t mind the rogue turret. Cable spreaders are next. Working on a jig, it’s drying right now. We’ll see how well it goes.


Apologies, a bit late to the party yet again, I have very much enjoyed reading through the build. An excellent job on one of my favourite ship.

Cheers. Si

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James, I can’t tell whether or not the rigging is correct, and likely no-one else will be able to either :wink:

She’s looking great, by the way :star_struck:

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Looking very good. The rigging is really adding to it as well… Makes a big difference… Uneducated question… What are the raised diagonal strips on the hull side for ?

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Looking very good. The rigging is really adding to it as well… Makes a big difference… Uneducated question… What are the raised diagonal strips on the hull side for ?

Hi John,

Those are booms to deploy the anti-torpedo nets.

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Thanks Tim, And fitted like that all the time or just when at anchor ?

Thanks Tim, And fitted like that all the time or just when at anchor?

These were only deployed as protection while at anchor. Can you imagine the mess if a torpedo or explosive shell hit these things while the ship was in combat underway? I can just see the mangled steel nets coming loose and wrapping themselves around the screws and rudder a the worst possible time… :open_mouth: :confounded:

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Thanks boys. I made a start on the cable spreaders tonight, and oh my God it’s terrible. I’ll report back later this week with details. I think I may have cracked the code, but it ain’t pretty or easy.

You are doing a first rate job with her. Lovely Build…Cheers Mark

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