When I am short on time, what do I do, go and start something else. With the Hipper under way surely Glowworm should be the compulsory G class to build, don’t hold your breath but there will be a Glowworn in the not too distant future. This is another camouflage fetish build, the possiblity to use a rare example of RN air recognition markings,
The three colours are AP507C, AP507A and a non standard Brownish colour called stone.
The flotilla leader HMS Grenville had the below, and these images are from Alan Raven’s RN camouflage volume1. Mr raveb states Other members of the class may have been similalry painted, I don’t know if Grenade did, but equally I don’t know that she didn’t so i am going with it.
Hi Si - love to watch you work so I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.
I’m not so sure I would want to ship out on a vessel named “ Grenade “ - tempting fate , etc …
There were some odd names in quite a few navies, but whoever thought of the “Flower” class cannot imagine how fights some of the names started. imagine walking into a pub on Plymouth’s Union street, someone says “What sghip?”, the other guy says “Pansy”.
Whilst Stone was never part of the standardised camouflage colour palette for the Royal Navy, such a colour was in the Rate Book of Naval Stores and may have been used on RN shore-based vehicles normally.
Admiralty Pattern 513 STONE COLOUR:-
Consisting of:-
White lead oil paste … 68 lbs (Admiralty Pattern 409)
Dryers, paste … 9 lbs (Admiralty Pattern 689)
Ochre … 9 lbs (Admiralty Pattern 52P)
Oxide of iron oil paste … 1/2lb (Admiralty Pattern 110A)
White spirit … 8 pints
Oil, linseed, raw … 16 pints
I am unaware of the existence of any surviving samples, but being a linseed oil paint it would almost certainly be useless after such a long time for colour guidance if one did exist. I suspect the above shade was similar in appearance to BS381C-361 Light Stone, but unlike most other RN WWII era paints I’ve never attempted to reproduce Admiralty Pattern 513 Stone.
I’m unaware what colour HMS Grenade’s lower hull would have been. You’re probably aware by now that the long standing presumption of red anti-fouling paint has been demonstrated to be simply incorrect and is the result of 1950s-onwards experience leading to the rejection of any documented evidence to the contrary on the thinking that “ships have always been red underneath”. HMS Grenville was almost certainly black below the waterline going by the photographs of her sinking but really it depended which brand of anti-fouling paint and protective composition had been selected by the Admiralty for use on individual ships. If you haven’t seen my associate Richard Dennis’ paper on the colours of ship’s bottoms here’s a link:
Thank you for looking in and taking an interest. I have only got as far as priming the hull, so your post was timely.
I will take a look at the links and see what I find out, and come to a decision over how I am going to progress the paint job, I might hace something close to light stone in my paint draw. Being an ex seafarer so understand how paints can fade under extremes of weather, especially the red on funnels of the tankers I sailed on.
The Camo on the hull done, along with the steel areas on the deck and the forward air recognition marking. In of Jamie’s input above I have gone for black anti fouling. All the non slip have been painted Semtex, Can’t recall the mix, but looks about right to me.
I am close to ready to closing the fusalage, there is a lot of glazing on the early Wimpys so quite a bit will still be visible, the glazing parts are crystal clear and thin, the side windows of the cockpit will be open that will help too.
It is a great kit, Airfix’s engineering is very clever these days, I wish they would apply it to some ships.
I have wanted to do this scheme, include the air recognition marking since I first saw it. I am not dissapointed seeing it in three dimensions and full colour, I am glad I went for the black anti fouling.