HMS Thyme and Tide wait for no Flower

Thanks Russell, much appreciated, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

G, :beer:

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Looking good G and some nice progress… What’s the overall length of the hull ?

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Thanks for the kind feedback John, much appreciated, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:. The hull is just over 32" (approx. 870mm) stem-to-stern…I’m going to need a lot of DAS to model that quayside, :laughing:.

G, :beer:


Blimey … thats a fair old size !! Certainly going to keep you busy !!

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Hi all,

I’ve started work on the watertight door, I know it’s full of errors, but hopefully it’ll all be lost in the general clutter of the depth charge rails, and such stuff, :thinking: :face_exhaling:.

Cheers, :beer:



Looks OK for 1/72nd scale. Certainly a huge improvement on the door in the kit.

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Thanks Robin, I appreciate the positive feedback, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

G, :beer:

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First off - enjoying the build. I might be able to helo you with those rivets. I’m currently doing a 1/72 Revell kit myself.

As for this:

Whenever I teach a class and folks are hesitant to ask questions, I say, “Come on now, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people who ask questions.”
Yeah, that really gets them to open up. :smiley:

I like your bridge, by the way. That’s another thing we have in common. But what is that thing hovering above it that looks sort of H.G. Wellsian?

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War of the Worlds indeed :grin:

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Or this that I posted last night. Part of my own 1/72 nightmare project.


An obsessive-compulsive welders wet dream

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Thanks for the positive feedback 18B, I certainly will be interested to hear how you do your rivets, something many folk will benefit from, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

‘Stupid people asking questions’ made me smile, reminded me of my first ever boss, he used to say something very similar, :slightly_smiling_face:.

As for the Wellsian UHO (Unidentified Hovering Object), well that is the winding mechanism of a garden umbrella, it does look as if it’s threatening the bridge with imminent destruction… uh-oh, :wink:.

What is the nightmare project device? It looks like a cross between a wood chipper and a log burner, :thinking: :wink:.

G, :beer:

It’s the main induction valve for a Gato class Submarine. My own 1/72 nightmare.

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I shall give the flasher a check out (and that’s not a euphemism, :wink:).

I have the Gato, and the other Revell U-boats in my stash…

but whether they ever get built is another matter, :unamused: :slightly_smiling_face:.

G, :beer: