Back on the bench and going to finish this quickly
Island and mast done
Everything painted and ready to assemble
The deck installed
Back on the bench and going to finish this quickly
Island and mast done
The deck markings applied. I didn’t much care for the decals because they were printed on a decal sheet and had to be cut out of that sheet
Looking good, Stevie and Doug!
Looking forward to see more
Takom Jagdpanzer 38 Late
This is my fourth(?) foray with Blu-Tac. It works really well with good coverage paints but tends to fail with bad coverage paints. Vallejo Panzer Chocolate Brown is a good coverage paint. Vallejo Panzer Olive Green is a bad coverage paint.
Considering the complexity of this camouflage scheme, I am fairly happy with this result.
I did not just make up this pattern. It is my attempt to match a really nice four photo spread of a period vehicle at the factory.
Fantastic paint scheme Doug. That came out immaculate.
Great paint job! Worked out really nice, congrats!
Beautiful camouflage. You the “waves” of the lines perfect!
Looking forward to see more
The Stargate to Earth (SG One) is closed, and the Stargate’s chevrons are currently not revolving to lock in a combination. The Gate’s portal is dormant and the iris is sealed shut. Still, the “Gate Guardians of Earth” stand duty in Earth’s Stargate room—vigilant, ready, weapons armed and aimed at the iris and waiting for any uninvited and unannounced rotation of the chevrons to unlock the Stargate and open the portal to hundreds of billons of exoplanets in our galaxy, and millions upon trillions of exoplanets in the other galaxies of the cosmic universe.
This is Stargate; this is the fastest way to travel around the cosmic universal unknown…faster than warp drive…faster than hyperdrive…the known and unknown wormholes throughout the universe work and humans have to be ready for any and all visitors, friend and foe alike, invited and uninvited, announced and unannounced.
And if Stargate Away Teams need rescuing, the Gate Guardians have to stand ready for teams to deploy and enter Stargate SG 1’s open portal. The Gate Guardians are the “First line of defense” for Earth and Humanity, and rarely if ever leave the Stargate Room when on sentry duty. But if necessary, they can and will enter the portal to chase down and press fire against retreating hostile alien forces.
Of course guarding Earth’s only Stargate (SG 1) requires a weapon that is not in the conventional Army. It requires a custom-designed energy weapon based on captured alien technology—a rapid-fire or steady cutting beam with a kinetic railgun option to defeat light to heavily-armored alien infantry and medium-armored alien vehicles, probes, and robots that might fit through the Stargate. Made of alien alloy, the gun is lightweight and ultra-powerful in the hands of a trained elite Stargate Guardian with practically unlimited power reserve. The cylinder holds the nail-like railgun projectiles that can launch and fly inside the cutting beam if the Guardian so chooses to further enhance the already armor-piercing cutting beam’s ability.
This elite “Top Secret” Stargate Guardian is armed and equipped with: A rapid-fire or steady cutting beam with railgun projectile-option main gun, a First Aid pouch (red strap); NVG in waist pouch; water sipping and meal pouch on back; SATCOM radio on back (antenna) and on the shoulders are a base radio and an “Away Team” radio; three alien plasma grenade pouches on chest; combat earphone muffs on both ears, a combat knife; two flash-bangs; NBC respirator pouch on waist and NBC suit in rear buttock; infrared blinker on ballistic helmet; ballistic eye shades, kneepads, lightweight alien material weave body armor, velcro USA SG 1 identification shoulder patches (hidden), and two railgun projectile refill pouches on front waist.
So far, nothing that comes through SG One stands a chance of escaping the Gate Room…and so far, fortunately, nothing ever did. The rest is “Classified Top Secret”…and you’re not even supposed to see these photos in the first place or even know that SG 1 Earth Gate Guardians even exist, let alone how they are equipped and armed, and how many are guarding the SG 1 Gate Room and where they are located inside that room.
This is ICM’s 1/16 Ukraine soldier fitted with 1//16 Airborne Miniatures’ head and pouches and 1/16 Legend Production’s SEAL helmet and radio pouch (antenna). The Sci-Fi weapon was purchased online, downloaded, and 3D printed by James Lee in 1/16 scale.
I “painted” the figure mostly with AK Interactive’s Real Color Markers…great markers that make for a very smooth coating. I washed with Vallejo washes and inks and drybrushed with MIG Drybrush paints. I used a black Gundam marker to draw in the bordering lines.
The Stargate coin was purchased from ETSY. The base is AK Interactive with a sheet styrene tile pattern.
“Hot Out of the Molds 2024” was a campaign that I enrolled in late Fall. I didn’t think that I would finish in time as life’s errands got in the way. However, with the AK Paint Markers, I was able to color in the paint and camouflage pattern in a couple of hours whereas a paintbrush would have taken me days to achieve the Multicam pattern. Once the camouflage pattern was achieved, the figure just needed washes and drybrushing. This is my last campaign entry of 2024, and I’m calling this one finished.
Thank you for the great “Hot Out of the Molds 2024” campaign! It was fun and I feel that I have achieved a modeling desire that I wanted to do when I saw the 1/16 ICM Ukraine figure…a 1/16 Stargate Guardian. Thank you, James Lee, for the 3D gun print!
Looks great, Peter. The gun looks more natural and to scale than I expected. Very nice job on the camo.
Congrats on finishing
Takom Jagdpanzer 38 Late
All together accept…
…for a stupid engine grill.
Months ago, I forgot to add the grill during construction. No problem. I can add it later.
Later stretched to weeks and then months. Immediately after priming and painting each layer I would realize, “Oh no! I forgot the grill again!” The grill was secured to its own card and painted during completely different sessions. It eventually clogged with paint so I stripped the grill and started over.
Then, when the moment finally arrived to secure the grill in place, I realized it would no longer fit and the wrong side was painted.
Also, that jack block looks awful. Yuck. Decals turned out good!
Thanks, Jesper!
Doug, beautiful Hetzer! I understand it has been a struggle at times, but all your great work and effort shows and has turned into a beautiful model.
Especially the camouflage job is excellent and really has that unique “Hetzer style” to it.
Congrats on finishing
Great looking “little” Hetzer! I like it, my congrats, Doug!
Haha! Unfortunately, the Jadgpanzer still needs a lot more painting and fixes and stuff so I will not be finishing this campaign. Modeling is hard.
Sorry to hear that…
Does this campaign end in 3 hours or 27 hours?
Says three on my end, and other than the intake screen your Hetzer is technically completely built, dude. That’s all the campaign requires; bases and weathering are optional. And if you were to fib and say it was an old Tamiya kit we would believe the screen wasn’t even included as was par for early Tamiya.
I’m willing to accept it as done if the others are.
I have no dog in this fight, but I’d vote to accept the Hetzer as done!