I must be getting old šŸ˜

So 40 something forced me to get cheaters to see more clearly close up. By 50 it was necessary to add an optivisor. Now in my late 60s I seem to drop parts more frequently and itā€™s more difficult to hold and manipulate small parts, with or without the aid of tweezers. My focus and concentration remain A+ but I suspect it may not be too long before they are diminished as well.

Whatā€™s your story?


Just turned 50 and I wear cheaters on a daily basis. I also use magnifiers when Iā€™m putting kits together.

This getting old stuff; I do not like it. :star: out of :star::star::star::star::star: - Do not recommend.



Having passed my Biblical three-score-years-and-ten expiry date I can say for sure getting old is a b!tch; but it certainly beats the alternativeā€¦
:bouquet::headstone: :coffin: :biohazard:



I waited longer than i should have to start wearing cheaters, out of pride I guess. Some of my older builds show things I missed - sprue remnants, mold seam lines. I was ble to fix them once I got the Opti-Visor. I recommended glasses for someone else, but judging from what I have seen that advice has gone unheeded.
It went quickly too. I went from better than 20/20 to not being able to read the fine print on an aspirin bottle in less than a year. At my annual military physicals theyā€™d tell me to read the bottom line, and Iā€™d say, ā€œPatent Pending, Made in USA.ā€ Theyā€™d laugh and send me to the next station. Little did they know, It got to the point where I asked them when they started using Cyrillic characters.

My main health problems are self induced - torn rotator cuffs and detached biceps tendons from lifting too hard. Until six months ago I was still lifting as heavy as I did in my forties. That was my mistake. The good news is - after I recover from my next surgery, I have another twenty years to wreck everything again.

I donā€™t yet have problems with tweezers, but if I did I suppose Iā€™d get the ones that stay closed and only open when you squeeze them.

I did suspect mental accuity problems several years ago. I tested, doctor said I was still sharp. He blamed my minor recall problems on poor sleep. I got on the CPAP and feel better than ever.
The shoulder surgery helped as well. That was another thing keeping me awake at night.

All in all Iā€™m holding up much better than most SF guys. Most of my teammates and club brothers have had knee replacement, spinal fusion surgery - all sorts of bad things,

Hearing seems to be the biggest thing for me. It works out though. I can pretend not to hear my wife whenever I like. And 3M just bought me a new truck.

As for PTSD, I donā€™t suffer from it. I enjoy every moment of it.


60+ - motor skills declining.

The main problem is after finding that part that fell into the carpet monster realizing the carpet monster has a pretty good hold on me and itā€™s pretty tough to get up into my chair againā€¦


Early 70s. Sudden onset of osteoarthritis in hips and now my knuckles. Double hip replacement in a few months. The fingers lockup and can get very painful. Dr said I need to live with it!


Would moving to Arizona help? It helped one of my SF buddies immensely.

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Get them right now. They make modeling easier even if you donā€™t NEED them yet.


Just turned 58 on January 1st. Iā€™ve been using readers for years (+2), as well as the optivisor. Couldnā€™t model without either, especially figures. I had LASIK about 12 years ago and itā€™s been excellent, but I did regress a little after failing an eye test at work, and now have glasses for night driving and sometimes watching TV, and of course my eye test at work.
I also have a CPAP and itā€™s definitely made a difference in my sleep. Iā€™m sure if I was in better shape it would help. Osteoarthritis in both knees and I get gel shots once a year. Might need knee replacement someday.
It takes balls getting old!



Reach 60 shortly , been using glasses for modelling only for about 8 years, now having to use them for reading,
that reminds me to book a visit to the opticians tomorrow :unamused:, the eyes are definitely going south,
Been rebuilding the old pub, I have, into rooms to let, definitely my joints are playing up, being over weight not helping, and the 80 year-old father in-law, is running rings around me.


Forgive the equally ancient and ignorant Brit that I am, but what the hell are ā€œcheatersā€?


Actually, I find getting old takes oneā€™s balls(!)


I live in the sub tropics. A cold day is 20c. Approx 70f. At the moment most days are 28-30c. So colds not the issue. I did hard physical work most of my life. Dirt farmer. Now that hard grind has caught up with me.
The BEST thing on my work bench is the wax pencil. Oh i love it almost as much as the wife!


Cheap, relatively speaking, reading glasses. Bought over the counter without any optician doing any investigation.

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Thank you Robin - as ever I bow to your vast and proffered knowledge (plus youā€™ve got an Accurate Armour Abbot I desire(!))


You better be nice to me, at least until I have mailed it :grin: :rofl: :rofl:

Google is my friend (at least in these situations).
From the context I drew the conclusion that it was some kind of glasses,
so I ask Google about: cheaters glasses
The second hit was good enough.
The reason for them being called cheaters was obviously new to me.

On the subject of sharp vision


Cheaters and arthritis in every knuckle in both hands. Some more than others. Normal getting old stuff. However, the weird thing is that I have difficulty untying my shoe laces. Tying the laces, no prob. But untying always ends in a knot. Like I always pull the wrong lace end through one of the loops every frigginā€™ time. Then I gotta untie that knot. :roll_eyes:


Leave the ends a little bit long so that they extend past the loops and donā€™t inadvertently get pulled through the wrong way


Could alcohol consumption be partly responsible for some of these ailments? Glue sniffing? Just askingā€¦ā€¦