ICM (35414) V3000S/SS M Maultier Ambulance w/Shelter


Now where was I before that very long commercial break? :yawning_face:

Oh, here you go… Tim’s BPITF (Bent Pin In The Firewall) bonnet levitation idea.

K&S (8159) Brass Rod .020 (.51mm) with a 30° bend.

Ambulance Hood Support- K&S (8159) Brass Rod .020 (.51mm) (2) . Ambulance Hood Support- K&S (8159) Brass Rod .020 (.51mm) (3)



Well you thought of it first, not quite what I pictured but this is much better - BPITFing great! The rod I mentioned before was mainly speculating whether the hood may have been propped up with one at the front end. :tumbler_glass:

Oh yeah, that rod. That’s what I was hoping for during my hours of google searching. Back in the day, a good ol’ piece of 2"x4" would have done the trick! :laughing:


Personality, I would refrain from using Peddinghaus decals. I have very bad experience with them.


The invisible rod …



:thinking:… So, would that be a “Robin” hood? :rofl:

Thank’s for the images. This mechanism is exactly what I’ll be franken-scratching.:hocho::alembic::microscope:

Hood Mechanism



I’ve used Peddinghaus decals once. Terrible experience. Won’t use their decals again.

Thick tough film to manually trim away that is almost impervious to all decal setting solutions.

Decal film must be a Kevlar-Teflon-Depleted Uranium composite.

Exactly, plus, in my case, the design was terrible…
I used the 1:35 decals for the BR-52, and the text on the tender is split in half horizontally!

Mmmm - hingeineering :toilet: :tumbler_glass:


Cover me! I’m goin’ in! …

Later… After approx. twenty minutes of drying time, I opened-up Affinity Photo to check color specs. I’m pleased to say, the numbers compared very closely. Vallejo Scarlet (70.817) comes very close to the supplied ICM decal. Now I’m just letting paint cure overnight before pulling-back the tape for the final reveal.

Fingers crossed!:crossed_fingers::grin:


Valorous with the Vallejo & most redolent, looks great! :+1: :tumbler_glass:

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Don’t get cross with me young man !


Time to remove the bandages. :face_with_head_bandage: … Now who doesn’t love a good ol’ tape ball!? :grin:

So here’s the big reveal… not so perfect but not as bad as I was expecting for my first big taping. Looks like I’ve gotta’ be more diligent with those overlapping masking steps. Anyway, it’s nothing that my calm nerves and a few passes with the hairy stick can’t handle.:drop_of_blood::paintbrush: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

And as I exit stage left, I’ll leave you with this little tune:
‘Scarlett O’ Hara’ :notes: :notes::notes::notes::notes:

Happy modeling!


Soon to follow in your footsteps. (Hopefully)
Been avoiding this paint work for some time now!


Archer has


@165thspc, I’ll be watching for your build log on your “Right Mike” channel. :loud_sound:

@ Tank_1812, I believe the Archer decals were covered previously (please scroll up). Archer does make great markings though. However, the decals mentioned are not big enough for the large red crosses as I’ve just got done masking and painting.

—mike “Left Mike” :loud_sound:

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Nice - I wonder if I couldn’t buy several sets and then cut some of them up in order to patch together the large Red Cross on the roof?

Thanks for the heads up! - I’ll get on it!

Right Channel Mike

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That’s what left Mike was missing (he is a in the box thinker) and why I was bringing it up. :joy:

I didn’t look, but it was probably me mentioning it. Right Mike got what I was putting down. :+1: