ICM (35414) V3000S/SS M Maultier Ambulance w/Shelter

Those hinges look absolutely awesome Mike.

Lift handle up and over the spout, away from the carrying handles, to disengage the claws on the sides of the spout.
Pull handle back and up, towards the carrying handles, to open the lid
Tilt can sideways to pour, first with the spout on the high side, when can is about half empty it gets tilted the other way so that the spout is on the low side.
Tilting sideways allows better flow control, especially if there is limited space above the fill hole on the fuel tank being replenished.


Excellent scratch building Mike!


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To hell with hinges! There’s a renegade Jerry Can in the building! … Wile E, back to the Welding Shop!


:hammer_and_pick: :hammer_and_wrench::carpentry_saw: :clamp: :nut_and_bolt::nut_and_bolt::nut_and_bolt::wrench:

But seriously folks… one spun out of control spout spun-round 180º

@ petbat (Peter). Serious therapy from model building is needed here.:man_health_worker:
@ PzAufkl (Peter) and Robin_Nilsson (Robin). Can’t tell you how many times I looked at that. :man_facepalming:
@ SSGToms (Mathew) and ayovtshev (Angel), and to all lurkers. Thank’s for having a look…
… I think? :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Didn’t you check the image I posted?
You had the handle thingy the right way around from the beginning and now you have rotated it :scream:

Maybe you could glue the spout to a rod drilled down though the can and through the base (or diorama) and have it powered by a small electric motor turning at 4 - 6 rpm … make everybody happy …


@ Robin. Yes I did, but your comment just spouted about Jerry Can SOP — didn’t really convey that I was correct. I just assumed the comment made by [PzAufk (Peter) earlier stating that my spout was incorrect was correct.

Hey Wile E.!!! It’s THIS one…


NOT this one.

Back to the torch…


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Then there’s these. I found hinge photos on eBay that were correct for the cars in question and drew the individual pieces to scale on Coreldraw. I then cut them out and built the hinge. In one case (66 Fairlane) I used styrene, but it was very fragile. In the second iteration (58 Chevy) I actually cut them out of brass. The second set was for another fellow who then put springs on them.


I think you fixed it.


I am sure someone will say it’s the wrong kind of barrel. :crazy_face:


@ Builder2010. Very nice! Brass-works, springs and such is way too “techy” for my blood though. :hammer_and_wrench:

Thank’s, but I pretty much google researched the hinges into the “beyond” and have accumulated stacks of hinge references. The image that Robin_Nilsson (Robin) submitted a while back (refer: 09/24/2021 post) came the closest to what I was looking for.

BTW: The image software I use are the Affinity Suite, i.e. Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Affinity Publisher. I don’t do any 3D rendering or printing — again, too techy for me.

So anyway there’s this rod…

Ambulance Hood Support- K&S (8159) Brass Rod .020 (.51mm) (2)

…which will be used in conjunction with these “fake hinges.”

Note: The hood/bonnet when permanently attached to the support rod will be removable from the body. The “fake” hinges will stay attached to the body.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.



Sorry about that, I hoped that the old saying about one image and a thousand words was true

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Not saying anything, but…if a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a couple of grands worth:


:clown_face: :crazy_face:


@ petbat (Peter). :grin:You totally took the bait! Exactly why I used the US Fuel Drum in the first place! :clown_face:
One petbat caught in my net! :spider_web::bat: :joy:


The Kookaburra bonnet…


It looks more like a Hooded pitohui…apparently one of the world’s very few toxic birds, thought you’d be able to empathise with that one too :smirk: :tumbler_glass:


When all is built and done
Shock you I will, with more traps I’ve sprung


:innocent: :zipper_mouth_face: :grin:

@ Dioramartin (Tim). I just got around to looking up the ‘Pitohui.’ My, what a cute name for such a nasty, nasty little beastie. You guys down undah have the most fascinating creatures! :upside_down_face: :australia:

Question: When the Pitohui hucks into a spittoon, does it make the same sound as its namesake? … Pitohui, pitooey, pitooey. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: …pit-ing! :bellhop_bell:

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Fascinating until you have to deal with them…


and the reason for leaving an opening at the bottom of the front door is to allow all the poisonous creepy critters free access to your homes?


Do you want the poisonous creepy critters mad at you for being a rude host?

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