Welcome to the campaign Ben, that is not a bad kit, especially for it’s age. I have it in my stash, along with PE for it, and a single piece barrel. I remember seeing some build videos, and reading reviews on it. The biggest problem that the builders seem to have had was placing the ERA blocks correctly, as the directions seem to not be very clear.
Enjoy the build, I look forward to seeing it completed.
Decent kit for the money. Are you interested in accuracy and how much?
I’m somewhat interested in accuracy, I’ll be drilling out the barrels of the MGs and things like that, but still going for an OOB build. Appreciated the tips gentlemen! Once I get rid of all this flash I’ll post a pic or two
Just replace the barrel with one without the thermal sleeve if possible for a 1982 vehicle. You can also work a bit on the suspension, notice the shock absorbers and the way the idler mount is connected to the front most suspension arm.
Some photos for inspiration:
Nice pictures Nikos, when did they use the thermal sleeve, after 82? I would like to build the Meng kit, but they have really gone up in price.
The vehicles with thermal sleeve are Magach 6B Gal, an upgrade to the Magach 6B which was used in 1982.
The main difference is the FCS thus a different guuner’s sight. Other key differences are the thermal sleeve on the barrel, the larger turret bustle rack and later vehicles had Merkava tracks.
Check the gunner’s sight housing
Thank you…were the 6B Gal’s used in Lebanon?
Nope, the tanks used by the IDF in Lebanon were:
Merkava I
Centurion Shot Kal Bet and Gimel
Magach 6B
Magach 6R
Magach 5
Awesome info…thank you!
The Magach 6M (a 6R with improved FS) also had thermal sleeve.
True but these are based on the M60 (slick) that is why I did not mention them.
Magach 3 (with reactive armor) also took part in the 1982 war. One of the tanks captured by the Syrians in the Battle of Sultan Yacoub was on display in Kubinka until it was returned to Israel in 2016.
I thought all were called Magach since the ERA was installed. Any way of distinguishing between the versions?
You mean all were called Magach 5 after the installation of ERA blocks?
I am under this impression but not 100% certain
The Magach 5 had a different engine (AVDS1790-2C) and different electrical system. Externally I think the integrated Urdan cupola is the only give away.
The Magach 3 w/ERA was called Magach 3 Baltan. They fought in the eastetn sector in the 1982 war.
Baltan because of the blocks. All ERA blocks should be called Baltan blocks but anyway… I think I have found some decent photos.