Good looking build!
It looks the part, should look great with paint on it. Too bad it was such a pain to build.
Got some paint on the Rochev. Pre and post shaded with some of the details painted. Need to add the water cans in the space aft of the two side doors. Top of the turret will get ammo boxes in the holder behind the loader’s hatch, the TCs station, MGs, and some other bits. No tow cable but I have some but don’t know where they might go. Any ideas? Thanks.
Ok, I’v screwed up. Been calling this a Rochev but it’s actually Doher. Rochev was the earlier version. Doher is an improved Rochev. I was confused.
Someone should have corrected me earlier. Just goes to show just how feckless I am.
As are the others here.
I only saw an IDF M109-version.
So…I clear coated and got the decals on. Masked and painted the barrel stripes. The two on the bore evacuator should be half the width but I didn’t catch it before they were painted. Did them all at the same time and was on a roll and didn’t bother to check. Not going to redo them. Not going to let perfect be the enemy of good.
Also painted more of the details. It dawned on me that there was something missing. Went back over the instructions but found nada. Looked over all the sprues, nada. Checked the PE frets and there they were. Two brass strips. You can see them in the picture with white primer on them. Yet another strike against this less than stellar kit.
Decals on and gloss coated. Small details painted. Next up weathering. Also have to scrounge up some stowage.
Some more work on my Achzarit. Hatches are on and some other bits and bobs. Somehow I have misplaced the glass that goes inside RCW station. I remember painting it and was going to put it on after painting the RCW station but now it’s gone.
Scratch-build a replacement - as soon as you glue it on the original part will turn up!
True, I could use some styrene as a replacement. That would be my first scratch built piece.
Started weathering with a dark wash. Everything but the TC station. You can see the difference in the two colors. For those who agonize over the “right “ color it’s easy to see how much just a wash changes the color. The original color is a custom mix to get a late IDF sand grey. There’s actually a touch of green in it as well. After the wash the transformation is rather dramatic but it gets me to the end color I want, a light to medium gray brown. Thanks for looking.
Just wanted to show another IDF build I am doing (in another thread) where I am using a Legend Magach-conversionset, about which I am less then pleased. I got it very cheap and only wanted it for the turretbasket.
The fit and shape are bad; the resinparts of the basket are warped and too small, they do not match the PE basket bottom, the wire is a nightmare to get anywhere near straight, because it is so weak and attaching it to the ends of the basket is near impossible, because to have to get the length EXACTLY right, but no templates are given.
For all the heartache that threw at you DV, you nailed it. Lovely surgery to build it up with all its issues, and finished with a great final paint and weathering process. Looks terrific.
Thanks. It will never see a contest table, but yeah it doesn’t look half bad. Needs pinwash, dry rushing and some dried mud and dust before it’s complete. Probably add some stowage as well.
Having tried this conversion a couple of times huge respect for your result. I cheat and buy the Legend resin basket that is covered so as to avoid all that hard work.
An easy way to have the brass wire straight is to place it on a hard surface and use another hard surface (I use a metal ruler) to move it back and forth so that the wire rolls between the two surfaces.
I did that. The issue arises when you have to thread the wire through the 4 basket ribs/supports. Just handling them will immediately bend them out of shape.
Maybe next time try to use three wire sections, one for the back and one for each side instead of a continuous length. Or even five. I do it this way, besides in the real thing the rod is welded between the supports, it is not a single run.
Ron I do admire your work on that Legend resin and PE basket as it came out nice. Yes, it would have been nice to have those wires straight.
However, as I’m looking at it from an outsiders view and this observation is for myself and others that have not tackled the legend set. I think it would make things easier to replace the whole basket frame with styrene rod and replace the PE wire holder (or whatever it is called) with styrene strips to run the wires through.
Shape the upper and lower frame and glue the strips of styrene that is holding the wires in place 2 to 5 in the back first. Once glued and dried bend at 2nd and 5th corners to glue 1st and 6th strip. This way the wires will remain straight for the most part.
I hope some of you guys will see what I saw and understand from the pics below.