IDF 76 Campaign

Group Build Title: IDF 76

Group Build Leader(s): @michaelsatin

Group Build Description: Modeling the IDF from 1948 (or before) to today

Event Details: (Remember to click “Going” if you want to join the build!)
At the end of the IDF 75 campaign in October of 2023, it was suggested that I immediately start a new one. Given ongoing events, I thought it was the wrong time to do that. Now, however, I think the time has come. This campaign is open to modeling all IDF (and Haganah, predecessor to the IDF) related subjects past and present. The campaign will run from Yom Haatzmaut, 2024 (Israeli Independence day), 14 May through the same day on the Hebrew calendar in 2025, 1 May.

Please note: this is a politics free zone, like the rest of KitMaker forums. This campaign is about modelling the IDF, not about discussing the morality of its operations. I will be keeping a close eye on this thread, and will deal with anything I feel violates this policy.

Completion Award:

A Note about Awards: The following text is a reminder that in order for people participating and finishing their projects to receive a badge on their forum profile, they will need to provide their account username to the group build leader by the completion date of the build. The leader will then provide this list to the site admin who will bulk award the badges to those users who have finished the group build. If you don’t provide your username or finish the project on the timetable the leader has setup you will not be able to receive an award.


Count me in. :smiley:

Count me in as well mate … A firm ally of Israel and it’s endeavours :+1: … I have a Merkava 4 in my very limited stash … But wouldn’t mind doing a Super Sherman possibly


Likewise. I have several IDF vehicles in my stash to pick from.

Takom Merkava Mk2B
Meng Magach 6B Gal Batash
Academy M60A1 Blazer with KMT-4 mine roller
Tiger Models Nagmachon Dog House Late.


Probably the Doher and/or Magach 6B Gal Batash. The former the Kinetic kit and the latter the Meng offering.


Definitely in! Flew in equipment for the IDF in my Military days. Visited Latrun.

Question…does captured equipment that is repurposed/used by the IDF qualify??

I ask as I have a 1/25 scale 1963 F-100 that would represent Jordanian use but captured and re-used, by the IDF, during the Six Day War.

Other than that, I have tons of IDF possibilities.

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My answer would be YES.

Ti-67s; TIran-4 and Tiran-5, Achzarit HAPC; and some M48s that were captured from the Jordanians during the Six-Day War in 67 and converted to Magach 1, 2 and 3 tanks. I know our resident IDF veterans will steer you in the right direction if you decide to build an IDF M48/Magach.

As for aircraft, I don;t think the RJAF had Super Sabres. They had Hawker Hunters during the Six Day War.

The IAF did capture an Syrian MiG-23 and used it.


Hmmm; the more i shake the bushes, more stuff comes flying out…


A former Iraqi Air Force Mig-21 that was flown from Iraq to Israel by a defecting pilot; then briefly repurposed by the IAF during the Six Day War.

How The Israelis Got Their Hands On An Iraqi MiG-21 Fishbed - The Aviationist


:tanks: Alrighty then! Repurpose it is! Knowing this, the possibilities increase!

If time permits, I will join with a Takom Merkava 1 or MiniArt Tiran 4, probably during the latter half of the campaign. Still feel bad about my Mirage crash and burn. The Merkava 1 is high on my ‘want to build’ list so an early entry is possible.

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I was really liking your Mirage paper build, then it just crashed and burned. :frowning:

If it was legitimately used by the IDF, then yes. I’d say no WIFs, but vehicles captured and re-marked and/or reused by Israel would count. And by F-100 I assume you mean the Ford truck, not the Super Sabre.

Michael :israel: :stuck_out_tongue:

A 1963 Ford F series pickup truck captured and used by the IDF from the Six Day War.


Just to keep the ball rolling, my plan for this one is the Great Wall 1/48 F-15I that my lovely wife allowed me to order for my birthday the last time Sprue Brothers put it on sale. Mostly out of the box except for Quick Boost seats and an IsraDecal masking set for the eagle head marking on the tail.

Michael :israel:


I am in :slightly_smiling_face:

Probably with a Mirage III or a Merkava - or something completely different :sweat_smile:

Plenty of reference material down here :point_down:

Modeling Armor of Operation “Iron Swords” - Armor/AFV / Modern - KitMaker Network

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Time permitting, I will probably join, as I want to have a go at something of that time, after ww2 that is.
If I do, it will be only next year, probably in April 2025. It will be, of course in 1/72 scale, and not a flying thingy…

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I’ve been meaning to build a Sherman ambulance…

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Buenas, puede presentar mi m163 Vulcan IDF
Gracias un saludo desde España

Un saludo y gracias.


Te seguire con gusto, tengo uno para hacer tambien…
Un saludo.Jose.

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José, esta es una campaña sobre las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel y comienza el próximo mes. ¿Querías publicar esto aquí?

Michael :israel: