IDF Diorama

I thought so, but I’d rather be sure. :wink:Thank you for your response :+1:

The paratroopers had French, lizard pattern uniforms during the '60s:



@ReluctantRenegade didnt they wear those into the early 70s as well? I think it’d be awesome to see the AC model figures in the lizard camo!

Is this picture just their parade uniform? Screenshot from parade in Jeruzalem in 1967

I also have been watching this, some great footage of all kinds of vehicles:
Israeli parade may 1968


@Gregory_J_Copplin have a look at halftrack with paratroopers by Ed Okun

@ReluctantRenegade : I also found this famous picture (Paratroopers at the Western Wall taken on June 7, 1967, by David Rubinger) of 3 paratroopers, 2 in lizard camo and 1 in plain…
Paratroopers at the Western Wall is an iconic photograph taken on June 7, 1967, by David Rubinger.

And a colorized version of it:
Paratroopers at the Western Wall is an iconic photograph taken on June 7, 1967, by David Rubinger. in color


@bwilt thank you for that link! This is giving me some inspiration to begging some IDF builds in the next month.

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The IDF never really liked the idea of camouflaged uniforms as standard issue. As a mainstream fighting force, only paratroopers during the '60s were issued with such uniforms; otherwise they were, and still are, reserved for special forces.

They were ditched in the early '70s because of their resemblance to uniforms used by Arab countries, and even more importantly, to the ones used by Palestinians infiltrating the borders. This must’ve happened between 1970-72, because I don’t recall seeing photos of soldiers wearing camouflaged uniforms during the Yom Kippur War.

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@ReluctantRenegade maybe it was right before 73 that they ditched the camo uniform idea. I did read it was early 70s so that sounds about right. The Palestinians had a similar camo i believe, so the IDF had to originally write in white over the breast pocket to identify friendlies. At least this is what I’ve gathered from the wiki page on lizard camo last night

1967 and 2017. From left to right: Zion Karasenti, Yitzhak Yifat and Haim Oshri.


Excellent picture :ok_hand:

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Incredible picture ; then and now.

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So I have been painting the M3 halftrack, the Dodge truck, the stowage for both, figures for both… some of those older figures are a bit hard to paint, not much detail on them to add light and shadow…

And while this is drying I started on the next vehicle, an AMX13-75. When I got this (seond hand shop) it came with an upgrade set of Acurate Armour, and was really cheap.
Only later I found out the upgrade set was for a Takom model and not for the Heller, which is probably why it was so cheap… so will have to see which parts I can use and which not…

And I will be entering this kit in the Made in French campagne


Hey Bert,

Did The Beverly Hillbillies make it to the Netherlands?


Don’t forget the kitchen sink!

Also that resin set would be wasted on the Takom kit. It’s plenty good as it is. I’m sure you’ll be able to adapt it without much trouble.


This is going to another epic build Bert. It’s looking fantastic already. The Dodge, half-track, all that stowage and all painted … Really great work… It’s a mammoth undertaking…
I hope you can get some use of that AA upgrade set on the AMX… But even if you can’t, I know it will look spot on :+1:

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@Canmedic : yes they diid, and I am actually old enough to have seen it on tv :grinning: There will be a few more vehicles, a kitchen sink might be on one of those :grinning:

@Johnnych01 there is a great search light in that AAset, and the hull raiser to go under the turret, I am just not sure about the wheels, very different set up between Takom and Heller…

Wow !!! What an incredibly good painting and I like the equipment and also the figures :trophy: :trophy: :trophy:

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Lovin the work you’ve done so far , the 20mm halftrack rocks !!


You certainly have been a busy beaver!

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Thanks everyone!

Hi, sorry haven’t been around the site much lately. This is looking really good, keep up the good work!

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