Inaugural Railway Campaign

Hi all,

Firstly, a happy New Year to you all, and secondly, thank you for the kind words above, always nice to get feedback, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Your project is looking good. I hope to get more work done on my Panzerjagerwagen today.

And…how is your Landkreuzer P. 1000 project coming along? Did you get it finished? I was just curious as it was looking awesome.


Landkreuzer P. 1000 ?? was that the one which was being built as a thread on the old Armorama site ? I was following it and it just sort of disappeared …??

Yes, that’s the one. It was looking really awesome.

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Aaaah. My P.1000. I think it kind of started the stall when Photo Bucket did their stupid move to limit free hosting. Admittedly, the change from the old Kitmaker to the new kind of added to the stall.

Right now the hull is sitting in the back room of the basement. My modeling room is now only 10 ft x 10 ft and rather cramped with the paint booth, stash shelves, desk and bookcase.

It’s not dead, that’s for sure. The main turret is 95% completed, I have all the smaller turrets (ha, MAUS turrets being small!) for the top of the hull, I keep picking up nifty little tidbits for details, I started the 1/35 Kolibi for the back deck, and well…really all I need to do is set it on the desk and that’ll get me going. Oh, and a paycheck’s worth of paint. :wink:

I’m confident that I’ll get it going again this year by clearing at least one full shelf unit of stash kits, removing that shelf and giving me some elbow room.


p.s. I love the rail cars and foolishly picked up a Leopold - where the heck am I going to put THAT!!?


Harv, drop a bug in my ear once in a while about the Ratte. If I can focus correctly and finish this Campaign’s rail car, my HEMTT with Italeri’s Shelter (and some scratch to the outside of the box) and a 1/48 Lysander Mk. III, I put it on my desk.




I was wondering where that Ratte got to! I look forward to more updates when you finally get a big enough factory to work on it… :slight_smile:


I think you guys mentioning it greatly helps level up my desire to do some more on it. :slight_smile:



Will do. I was thinking about it awhile back. I watched a video on the P 1000. Thought about your build on the old site. Thought about the Maus kit I sent you. Etc., etc., etc., etc…and…well…here we are. Seeing your posts in this campaign just kind of tied it all together so I thought I would ask about it. Hopefully you can get going on it again. Looking forward to seeing it.

Randy :slight_smile:

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Glad that doors been opened and the invite has been sent out :grin: :grin:

Hi all,

Trying to put a bit of tonal variation on the bodywork of the ‘Tilly’, and to be honest I’m struggling, the whole vehicle from stem-to-stern is only about 2" (50mm), so not a great deal of area to work with in such a small scale, :disappointed:.

Ignore the canvas tilt and wheels, they’re still to be painted properly.

Hopefully some dry brushing and washes will boost it a tad, :roll_eyes: :thinking:.

Cheers, :beer:,



G, I wouldnt fret it to much, you are pretty much there I think. I would just concentrate on a wash over it later and do the canvas as that will stick out more. It looks great now its painted and will sit nicely on the quayside now :+1:

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Hi all,

Have spent a bit of time working on the paintwork of the two planked wagons, the lower wagon is nearly finished, just need to add some lettering, do a bit of tidying-up, and a final wash to accentuate some of the finer detail.

The taller wagon (seen in the background below) still needs some washes and drybrushing, plus lettering, etc.

I also need to try and represent some coupling chains, but not sure what I need, :roll_eyes: :thinking:.

And below, with both unfinished wagons positioned as intended when complete.

Cheers, :beer:,



That looks magnificent G. I really like the little bits such as the remnants of coal left in the empty wagon, and the tarp water puddle still looks great … The overall finish you have on them has been done just right to my eye… Battered and used for many hard years…nice work :+1:

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Luckily they look better when viewed with the MK1 eyeball John, the close-ups from the camera show all the nasty little defects, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:.

G, :beer:

The hull parts are glued and touched up. (this pic doesn’t show the roof attached) Ready for a gloss coat for decals and weathering. FINALLY did something with the rail bed from so long ago…though I need to do more to it.



Antennas attached.



Thats looking great Mike, and on the perfect dislay base as well. Antenna system looks nice and even :+1:

Nice looking build Mike, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:, though I have to say that the antennae system looks very fragile…not sure it would survive long in my sausage fingers, :smile:.

G, :beer:

I’m curious about how they mounted/dismounted with all that tubing in the way!

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