Jackal 2 Op Newcombe Mali

It could be for the ECM. The ECM boxes could be in the green covered compartment in the rear loadbed. It’s all assumptions on our part until we actually find out. On most of the pics taken of wagons in Mali there are quite a few antenna apart from the obvious radio antennas and the slingshot antenna.

Great stuff John,this is the first image of the engine I’ve seen. There are other images with panels removed but they are Jackal 1’s and not very helpful.


I’d like to share a few recent photos I’ve found showing the interior of the rear section of the Jackal.

This clearly shows the collector chamber where the two intake tubes join. What it doesn’t show is where that collection box goes into the floor and then onto the engine if that is where the cleared air goes.

I would give credit for the site I found these on but I inadvertently closed the link and could not find it again ;0( If anyone finds it there is a treasure trove for those interested in building the Jackal.
Here is the link https://static.wixstatic.com/media/bde409_9f13d53f88804626a7735db7eb2a653d~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1551,h_1034,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/bde409_9f13d53f88804626a7735db7eb2a653d~mv2.jpg

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Hi Bill

The link you’ve posted leads to RecoMonkey…


Regarding the two pics, maybe you could check out your browser history… :roll_eyes:


The link http://static.wixstatic…is a link to Reco Monkey? I do see a few similar photographs but not like the detailed walk around photos I posted.
I have my browser history set to clear but I did find the link I posted in my Download history.
I will check out reco monkey to be certain I didn’t overlook the photos.
Thanks for getting back to me.

If anyone is interested I can do a complete unhindered walkaround of a Jackal as we have them at my new place of work.


I’d certainly be interested. are they 1,s or 2,s? Whenever I’ve been into Gaza Barracks in Catterick they always seem to be 1,s in there. I’d be particularly interested in views of left and right of the drivers & cmdrs seats including any i/c boxes.

No probs mate. Will defo get onto it. Not sure if they were 1’ s or 2’s as they were under tarps when I was getting the familiarisation tour of barracks… I think there was one in workshops last time I passed so will have a check this week :+1:


Yes sir I’d be very interested, selfishly for a 2 with the full air intakes and where those go. Really any of the nitty critty would be appreciated, thank you.

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