JLTV UTL M1278 and an RG-33 SOCOM AUV Build Conversion

please make this a kit i would be all over that like a fat kid on a cupcake.


Just absolutely incredible…extremely detailed and realistic…one-of-a-kind in the universe! :grinning: :+1:


What everyone else said and RAD!


:+1:t3: but still totally realistic looking. What did you use?


@metalhead85 and @Dioramartin, Tim, thanks guys, appreciate it! Tim, yes, those outdoor photos - what a treat! I’ve come to really look forward to figuring out how to photo builds, especially with this color and only subtle weather - indoors, it just looks flat!

@golikell, Hi Erwin - that’s a good idea, if not now, I’ll eventually scrape that off! You’re right, this is painted with acrylics, so it should work - thanks!

@SSGToms, Matt - you’re being far too generous! (but I appreciate it!!) thanks!

@Cheyenne Hey Glenn - do you see? see what I mean?? This ain’t no “miniature” i don’t see a unicorn or rainbow anywhere!! It’s a model! :smile: :carousel_horse:

@pod3105, well, Mr Pod, I must say, some part of it anyway is insane! :smile: thanks!

@Kenaicop, thanks I really enjoyed this build!

@Brantwoodboy, well, if tradition holds true, it’ll be a kit in about 6 months! A sure way to get a kit seems to be to scratch build one first! :smile: thanks

@Trisaw, Hi Peter, yes, as I recall you were one of the to post knowing what this beast is, so thanks! I can say, It will be a while before I do this again!

Thanks for having a look guys. I’ve started a new project, to convert a Scammell Pioneer to a Scammell Explorer. While this is indeed a WWII armor related vehicle, well, I’m going change the engine, make it a 6x6 and so on, so I think it would be a stretch to post it here, so I’ll post the WIP in the trucks forum on Automodeler, and updates in the Convoy group build, if you’re interested in cutting up perfectly good kits to see if they can be made into something else!.

Cheers and happy model building


@KoSprueone, Hi KSO, thanks and glad you like it!

As for the bits, the tubes/wires are .015" and .025" lead wire, and .020" steel wire. The flex tub is called “course conduit” 1.9 mm dia, from Prime Miniatures. It’s coiled brass wire, so is flexible and easy to use. The valve blocks are drilled .040" x .040" evergreen - which at this scale do the trick.

Various mounting tabs are the foil from wine bottle tops - Jerry Rutman @JRutman turned me on to this idea years ago - and now, I use lead foil for lots of things - including the spent shell casing basket on the CROWS for this -

Hope this is useful - cheers


Yes, very useful. Thank you.

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Lookin’ outstanding as usual man !

What a work of art. Outstanding craftsmanship at all levels.

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