Kampfpanzer M48A2GA2-Revell/Dragon Kit Bash-1/35th

That crazy thing call life got in the way this week so I didn’t get as far as I was wanting to, but I did get a little bench time. Worked on building up and detailing the rear end. Moving on to the top engine area next and start fitting the finders.

Thanks for stopping in, comments and suggestions are always welcome
:v: :nerd_face:


The rear looks great!

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Looking good, Eric!

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Coming along very nicely. Where did you get the resin German parts (lights, driving cross marker thingy, etc…)?

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Really nice job so far.
I don’t understand why some manufacturers have that many ejection pinmarks on the track links whereas others don’t have any.


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Thanks Gentlemen!

@HeavyArty :The Legend Productions M48A2GA2 detailing set

@Bison126 : I don’t understand that either. But then I got get why manufactures like Meng and RFM over engineer their tracks the way they do. :roll_eyes:

Started working on the fenders using the kit supplied ones, however they were warped so bad to the point of not being useable. So time to scratch build some new ones. Used the kit fenders as templates and cut new ones for sheet styrene…Much Better! Now time to detail them out.

Comments are always Welcome. Thanks for Stopping By.
:v: :nerd_face:


Very nice work on the scratch fendwrs!

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Not much of an update as I was a bit busy with other “things”. However I did manage to sneak to the bench a few times. Hopefully I’ll have better luck this upcoming week. :v: :nerd_face:


Work proceeds slowly on the fenders. They are more intricate and detailed then I first thought but have been fun to figure out and build up. Next up will the stowage boxes and a ton to bolt detail.

Thanks for Stopping in Gents and Comments/Suggestions Always Welcome
:v: :nerd_face:


Very impressive! That a lot of fun admiring the details added to the rear of the tank. Outstanding!

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Great details, chapeau

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So Finally got the fenders wrapped up for the most part. Must have punched out another 200 discs for all the connection bolts. Got a few more things to add but will work them in as I finish up the nose area.

Comments Always Welcome and Thanks for Stopping In.

:v: :nerd_face:


Super scratch work. :+1: :+1:

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That’s a nice looking M48 with the excellent scratch work. Really like the fenders!

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Thank You Gentlemen!

So after a few weeks on holiday and a model show thrown in for good measure, I was able to get back to the bench. Made excellent progress and finished detailing out the hull. I’m more then ready to move on to the turret. Leave some comments on what your thoughts are or if I missed anything…help is always welcome.

Thanks for Stopping In!


Really great attention to details. I love the antislip patches.
Can’t wait to see the turret getting the same treatment.


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Thanks Olivier! Hope to get cracking on the turret later today.

It’s almost going to be a shame to paint it and cover up all that detail work. It looks pretty amazing as a Frankentank!
