Kampfpanzer M48A2GA2-Revell/Dragon Kit Bash-1/35th

After much feet dragging and apprehension, work began on the turret with the attaching of the gun shield and gun tube. But in the end I was able to pull it off and then texture the turret in preparation for further detailing. Now it’s starting to look like a tank!!

First up I added that platform for the figures

Then removing the pouring blocks from the resin. Did that outdoors with a mask

Then Attaching the parts with a combo of epoxy putty and glue

Then adding the texture…I really got to find a new way of doing…man what a headache afterwards

Starting to look like a Tank!!! :partying_face:

Thanks For Stopping By!


That texturing looks really great!

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Detail work continues on the turret. Getting close to the end of the construction phase.

Thanks for Stopping By!!
:v: :nerd_face:


Always a treat to see progress on this one :slight_smile:

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Thanks Sir!! I’m getting excited for the upcoming paint and weathering.

Bro this is epic

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Nor sure about epic, just trying to make a good show of it. Thank You Chris. :nerd_face:

Brother you are rocking it.
I was enlarging the images to at study your work . it is super clean and well executed.
Ill be keeping my eye on you

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Looking fantastic Eric, can’t wait to see it with paint !


Thanks Again Gentlemen!

Eric, 'love the extra work you’re putting in on this; however, just a thought - are you planning on adding any camouflage nets - either stowed or draped? Nearly all the Bundeswehr beasts I recall from various exercises were so bedecked. Of course, it’s a bit counter-intuitive to cover up all that lovely detail, but just a suggestion.

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Thanks Boots!! The plan is to show this in exercise “colors”, so a net is planed along with some stowage, hence the boxes on the back the turret rack. Not sure just how much I want to cover with the netting but here are a few examples I’ll be using for inspiration.


…or Maybe just like this

:v: :nerd_face:


'Love it; man after my own heart!

Looking great. Careful with the netting, you might get carried away.

A couple of teaser photos in case you change your mind about the netting:



Really great job on the turret. The whole project is a pleasure to look at. I’m eager to see it with some paint on.


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My first tank model was an M48 many, many years ago, and it left a soft spot in my heart for them - this is a gorgeous model and I, too, eagerly await pics with paint on.

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Its a good feeling when your so close to finishing the build phase you have to make a list as not to forget something. All that left is the stowage items… :partying_face:

Thanks for stopping by!!
:v: :nerd_face:


Looks awesome Eric ! So much detail on that thing, almost a pity to paint it. Beautiful job!

Finished up the construction phase and all ready for paint. Here are a few beauty shots before laying down the color.

Thanks for stopping by!
:v: :nerd_face:


Incredible Eric. Love the pics showing the various materials you used. It’s a work of art as it stands now. Can’t wait to see it with a coat of paint on it.
Are those AFV Club tracks? You probably mentioned it in an earlier post but it looks like you cut out small discs to fill in the punch marks. I used a set from them for an Israeli Nagmashot conversation and while I love the detail on the tracks, there were 4 sink marks on each link, 2 on either side of the guide horn. PITA to fill.
Again outstanding job!

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