Kampfpanzer M48A2GA2-Revell/Dragon Kit Bash-1/35th

Beautiful job, Eric. One almost feel like leaving it unpainted to show of the great work you have done! :wink:

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All those different colors - Dr. Frankenstein has nothing on you!

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Excellent, an impressive build to say the least. Thank you for sharing your work, it is really inspiring.

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Just wanted to say Thanks! to everyone for taking a look and leaving a nice comment.

The Pre-Weathering has started so more to come soon!

:v: :nerd_face:

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After a bit of a hiatus I got into paint process. Primed and the first couple of colors laid down. All paints are Mission Model.

Thanks For Stopping By
:v: :nerd_face:


Nice start to the painting process!

Looking forward to see more soon :slightly_smiling_face:

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Interesting approach, will be following closely.

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Continued laying down the base colors and overall I’m satisfied with the results. I’ll be doing some touch up here and there and move on the hitting the details such as the tracks, roadwheels, camo netting and such. And as usual all color is Mission Model Paints.

Thanks for Stopping By!!
:v: :nerd_face:


Colors a bit dark for me but a really good looking build. Camo looks great(darkness aside) as does the stowage. Great kit bash and scratch building as well. :+1: :+1:

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Awesome work! :slight_smile:

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@Armorsmith: Thanks Sir. It’s interesting you think its on the dark side. I lightened all colors to avoid making it to dark during the up coming oil rendering and weathering. Hopefully it will not get to dark. :sunglasses:

I think it looks excellent. Love the build and the finish is coming along beautifully

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Could just be the lighting or the way my computer is rendering the color/lighting.

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@Armorsmith: Actually I think your correct that it’s the computer handling of the lighting. But I do understand what your saying. There is a lot of blacking camo on this as well. :nerd_face:

Looks awesome, Eric! Really nice work on the camouflage!

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Just want to say Thanks everyone for stopping in and leaving comments. Still have a bit more to do here and will be posting updates as they happen.
:v: :nerd_face:

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Its been a tad slow at the bench here of late but I did start the oil rendering on the camo. So far so go… :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Still have to render the engine deck…

Thanks For Stopping By!!
:nerd_face: :v:


Excellent scratch building and detailing. The finishing paint is looking great.


The colors look fine. Enjoy the weathering!


Finally got back to this build. About 70% of the detail painting completed. All color was done using oils or True-Earth Acrylics.

Thanks for Stopping By