KET - T Recovery Vehicle Build Blog

Well the KET-T is off the deadline and back on the bench. I have 10 days to finish it and with my current schedule it’s going to be close. After a year on the shelf of shame I had forgotten how much decent work I had put into this huge model and it’s really a shame I never finished it up. I can see how I got kind of burnt out on it though. It’s a massive model and I’m having to strategically plan the finishing and weathering process - I almost don’t know where to start. I’ve got some Ammo products, some Lifecolor liquid pigments, Winsor & Newton oils, Prismacolor pencils, and Bragdon Enterprises standard pigments. I’m going for a well used but well maintained look with road dirt / dust and a little rust where appropriate.
I went to Michael’s and bought a long plaque for the base, and picked up AK Interactive Terrains Asphalt to cover it.

This just might take more than 10 days, especially documenting it along the way, but if the KET-T turns out the way I want it to, I’m bringing it (along with 6 other models) to the AMPS Internationals in May.
Wish me luck!