Hey that’s not a bad idea. Even I can probably sculpt something that ugly. I really should do my self a favour and pick up that Italeri modern weapons set. I’m going to need some C1s soon too.
Ah yes, that set alone covers the C1, Sterling, and C7
Glad you managed to get back on track and see this one finished Don. I think you have done a fantastic job with it. All the issues you came across and fixed and the extra detailing you put in it have really paid off. The finish looks great and is just nice and gentle, not to harsh and the simple rough finish base is actually very good and gives it a genuine in the area feel. Really like it. Well done
I must agree with what others have said, it looks like a good build to me. I’ve had builds like this myself too, where you come to the bits you’ve left aside for final assembly only to find they are a really tricky fit or something breaks as you are trying to fit it or, as you mentioned, its lost somewhere!
The weathering and the paintwork both inside and out are excellent- some stowage will fit in nicely I’m sure.
Don man you really pulled this one off. With all of the initial problems you had I’m so glad you finished it. Sometimes mojo be damned, you just have to soldier on and get it done. And what you have done is absolutely beautiful. Inside and out, it is a well built, well detailed, excellently painted, and outstanding model. Your presentation base, while simple, is genuinely effective. Well done man, well done.
Looks like a helpful set for sure. Regarding a home made C7, I make mine by using the telescoping stock of an M4 and using that in place of the stock on an M16A2. I then carve off the carrying handle. An epoxy C79 (as mentioned below) is a great idea (I’ll give it a shot - haven’t tried it) but I’ve found a simple piece of styrene rod cut at the right angles can do the trick. I agree - the Blackdog tactical vests are a bit too flat, but simply cutting some painter’s tape and attaching small ammo pouches (or epoxy again) could work too … its all about representation. All that being said, your Nyala looks great!