While forced to stay at home, time to build is available rather abundant. So, a new box has been opened after finishing the M1 gun (see https://www.armorama.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=SquawkBox&file=index&req=viewtopic&topic_id=284607&page=1), and before finishing the dio 
Again some heavy metal arty… 1:35th scale Mörser Karl with is accompanying railway carriers from Trumpeter. Also the corresponding figures and munitions panzer 4 will be included. Some more things are still brewing in my mind, but I’ll see about that later…
Something like a couple of waggons, 2 locomotives and a Mercedes L4500, all in a railyard.
Anyhoo, over to the pictures…
This is a pic of the original:

I’ll skip the pics of the construction that has taken place and will go right to where I’m at:
Carriers (Trumpeter): Compete 
Karl (Trumpeter): completed minus tracks (still waiting on Friuls to arrive
0mmr flatcar (Sabre Models): Completed 
Br-86 steam engine (Trumpeter), G10 Boxcar (Thunder Models), open Railway Gondola (MiniArt), Panzer IV Ammo tank, WR360 shunting loc (Trumpeter)(no pic): started 
Mercedes heavy truck L-4500 (Zvezda): not started yet. 
Of course a plethora of figures will be added in due time 
Nice recap for the new forum Erwin .
How did you get to post multiple pics , I’ve tested the new forum and can only post one pic .
I’m sure it’s me that is screwing up the process .
I simply put in all the URLs of the original posts 
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Or, after you hit the Choose Files button, hold down the Control key on your keyboard while you select photos from your computer to upload, and they will all upload at the same time.
That is also an option
There are more than one way to Rome…
You Glenn & I look like the 3 Amigos in this forum right now! Nice intro Erwin, are you crossing over to the Dark Side now or still posting to the old one?
Yeah, not everyone has crossed the thin red line yet.
Thanks, it is nice to recap sometimes. Keeps your focus.
As far as I can see, the old forum will be set to archive shortly, so posting on the old one has little use…
Hi Erwin,
Great update on your build, the support gantry rollingstock look impressively substantial, and I especially like the subtle wear you’ve shown on the buffers, a small detail, but one that works beautifully to enhance the larger elements,
Cheers G.!
Since we have a steamtram museum (so called because they are smaller and lighter than your regular trains, but technically the same) in our home town, I have ample opportunity to study trains and noticed that the buffers all have some kind of grease/gunk on them…
During the autumn holidays, we went to stay in the mobile home of my in-laws, which was a nice opportunity for me to start working on the Mercedes L-4500. First impressions were rather good. Parts are mostly clean cast, with not too much flash.
The instructions leave something to desire, however. In places, you have to guesstimate where parts belong as they are on the rear of particular drawing.
Some progress has been made, but I found out that the wheels included were not good enough.
The tires are post war and no side details are present.
After some searching, I came across Panzer Art, from Poland. The images looked very good, and after coaxing my wife, I ordered a set. The price is more than reasonable (€13,- for 7 wheels plus 2 hubs), and what is more : the detailing is great! Only some flash needs to be removed, but nothing a sharp hobby knife cannot handle. And casting blocks are minimal.
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Those tires make a major difference, good move!
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Maybe my eyes have gone funny but they don’t look anywhere near the same size…? No valve (?), no sag, but as long as they fit still a major improvement 
They indeed look beefier. Valves can be added, but indeed no bulge. But nor have the originals.
The Germans really seemed to love those massive things that go boom. The thing is enormous!
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Yeah, I don’t know what that is. Megalomania?
Nah. Overcompensation. I heard Hitler had a small penis. 
Hi Erwin,
How many vehicles/trains/rollingstock will be incorporated into your dio?
The resin tyres definitely look better, the plastic ones remind of the rubber ring I had when I was learning to swim some 50yrs ago,
…thought I’d add the time period incase Tim suggested it was last week,
I just checked, but valves are present
LOL🤣 I thought he had one testicle?
Let me see :
- 1st row: Karl
- 2nd row : 2 carriers + diesel shunting loc
- 3rd row: BR-86 loc, box car, gondola, flat car with ammo panzer 4
- 4th row (loading platform) : Mercedes truck.
10 in all
Yes, they definitely look much better. Just grounded one side.