Lav's on the move

Thank you very much, glad you like it!

Thanks John, to be honoust, the last descent has become to narrow for them, because of the extra rock faces I added lateron. Thats why I left that stretch empty with 2 guys to assist 1 vehile at a time on that stretch. And I have indeed turned the heads of many drivers and thats also why some of them are a bit less deep inside the vehicle… so they are trying to see whats ahead of them…

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Thanks!! And you are right, I only added those straps later, just before placing the vehicles… and forgot about that… will dust them up a bit!

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Thanks! Glad you like it, in hindsight I had better done this in 1/72 :grinning:

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Thank you, I got the idea because of a dio I read about on this site: Road to chaos - #49 by Venomous85

Stunning! Those drivers have a memory for life if they get all the way down:) I am not the man to judge vehicles, but the terrain, trees etc looks fantastic!
I assume you will have the diorama in the living room :crazy_face: Hats off! /Erik

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Thanks! And yes, that’s the only room in the house big enough for it…

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Not a road I want to go down!

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Now this one is finished, I will be starting something new again, and yes it will be big again… another 10 vehicles or so… that one in the Christmas campagne will be in it…

Great job! This reminds me of a few roads at Ft Carson we had to get down with our APCs. It sure gets your attention!

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Thanks! I am Glad you like it, and it is good to hear that it does resemble reality a bit.

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@bwilt I just bought GamersGrass pre-printed Laser Plants foliage and they’re quite nice. The only issue I have with them is that after cutting the edges, there is a trace of white paper that mars the pre-colored green, blue, brown, or red leaves so one has to paint over that edge.

Nonetheless the GamersGrass leaves are printed to show the veins and pattern of the leaves, something no other company has done so far. The paper has a semi-glossy sheen and I don’t recommend any washes or one will lose the printed patterns on the leaves—just use them “As is” because in Real Life, leaves are semi-glossy anyway.

Great job on the foilage and landscaping :grinning:. The amount of time and dedication you spent on this is remarkable.

GamersGrass Laser Plants

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Thank you very much for your kind words!
And thanks for the explanation and link to that foliage, they sure look good, will come in handy nextt time I need some!

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