Le Superbe, 74 gun Ship of the Line

Can’t agree more, she shaping up nicely Si. Mark

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Thanks Mark,

Hoping to make some progress over the easter weekend.

Cheers, Si

…of course there was drilling out all those touch-holes and adding the teensy little gunlocks. :upside_down_face:

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Thanks Danie,

Now there’s an idea, and don’t forget the neatly coiled firing lanyard on the breech. I mean I would only need to do for the about 16 upper gundeck guns that will be visible, and the fo’csle and quarderdeck batteries. :thinking:

Good post, made me smile. :smile:

Cheers, Si

A little progress

The boats on rack must have been lashed down, not sure how, but some lashings in place, the boats can’t go down until the upper deck is in place.


The first batch upper gundeck 12pdrs painted.

A few more painted since, and all those out of sight from the upper deck fitted.

test fitting the boats and the upper deck.

more soon.

Cheers, Si


Pretty nice progress here too, Si! And a nice 12pdr production line!


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Thanks Jan,

Now the fun of the breeching ropes and the training tackes on the visible guns. Still thinking about the best way to put those together.

Cheers, Si


More upper gun deck guns in place, these may be visible through the deck hatch where the boats sit. The casbels on the breeches are too small to drill, so cotton was fitted ovet the top with PVA and the painted in.

The upper deck sprayed a very pale tan, and I have started picking the caulking out.

More guns fitted.

What can be seen, with the obstruction of the boats and masts and yards.

I an not going to add train tackles they will not be missed I think.

More soon,




I agree Si: if you can’t see it, don’t lose your mojo on it :wink:


More guns fitted.

What can be seen, with the obstruction of the boats and masts and yards.

I an not going to add train tackles they will not be missed I think.


Hi Si, I completely agree!

A few years back I made the effort of building an interior to my Revell Olympia, but in the end all that can be really seen through the skylight and doors is the brown deck below…

You are right - it is a waste of time to add what can’t be seen! :confounded:


Thanks Russ,

Appreicate your comment, and your support.

Cheers, Si

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Thanks Tim,

I have a lot of mistakes scratching stuff that won’t be seen. The upper deck guns are going to be fun though.

Cheers, Si

A little progress this weekend.

The largest boat fitted and the poop test fitted, the hole for mizzen mast needed a substantial amount of feckling to get it to fit.

The deck painted, the caulking was softer on this part than the upper gundeck and maindeck and fitted in place, along with some of the details. I reckon there would be less guilding on a revolutionary wars era ship, but I guess there would be some.

A closer view of the Poop.

The transom and quarter gallery under way. No idea if the colours are anyhere right for anytime in her career, but I think they look beleivable, again going light on the guilding for the revolutionary wars period.

Cheers, Si


I have a new guilty pleasure, Si: Watching a show called Black Sails! (A prequel series if you will, to Treasure Island that I’m currently reading)… Watching your build of the Superbe is tying in nicely with both :slightly_smiling_face:

PS. Happy anniversary to you and your wife :blush:

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Thank you Russ,

Black Sails!, sounds interesting, glad you are follwoing along on this build, it gets more challenging with every stage. There is no guide for locating the transom and quarter galleries, so they are going to be fun to get in place.

Mrs Dusters, (Penny, outside the ship modelling world) says thankyou for your kind wishes, :wink:

Cheers, :beers: :partying_face: Si

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It’s always fun when kit makers leave them off Si, but the number of times I’ve cut them off and the fit has vastly improved is surprising :thinking:

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True enough Russ, but sometimes they are helpful, and this would be one of them, especially to get the small bulkhead and section of deck in placeas the three larger parts have to fit around them.

Slow setting glue, some patience and a certain amount of :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Cheers, Si

I hear ya, Si :slightly_smiling_face:

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A major stage done, the fitting of the transom and the quarter galleries. One thing that helps alignment is the rudder.

The trick was to line up the rear bulkhead of the great cabin, and deck section of the stern gallery were tacked in place with a slow setting white glue whilst the transom and quarter galleries were wriggled into to place.

Bit more weathering to do on the rudder yet.

The boats lashed, I am not sure if this is correct, but I have seen it on several other models, looks ok.

An overveur from above shows detais are being added., including the chain plates for each mast.

More before too long, I hope.

Cheers. Si


A cool and very special addition to your fleet will she be, very nice work! And delicate paintwork on the aft cabin!


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