I am looking for a few sets of 1/35 Trumpeter or Dragon MLRS M26 Launch Pod Containers and marking decals from their M270/M270A1 models.
I have lots to trade or can pay for them.
Trade list:
Let me know.
I am looking for a few sets of 1/35 Trumpeter or Dragon MLRS M26 Launch Pod Containers and marking decals from their M270/M270A1 models.
I have lots to trade or can pay for them.
Trade list:
Let me know.
Me too Gino. I have two already built up and am now looking for two more to fill out my HEMTT load.
Of the four seen here being unloaded from a CROPS Container only two are real and the rear two are photoshopped.
If you shoved them further into that container you could cut them in half and two would become four. At any rate, as I told Gino I just got rid of the last ones I had - fifteen in all. There may be more, but building for others really cuts into my own modelling.
Thanks but I wanted to be able to use them anywhere so I want to end up with four full MLRS magazines.
I guess I can always buy another MLRS and give the vehicle away like I did the first time.
I suspect you already know this and yes, I am bragging here, but that is my scratch built CHU in the background and my scratch CROPS pallet under those MRLS Mags.
Like I said, yes, I’m bragging!
Also I am not sure if you still have these or are you saying they are sold?
If not sold I would give Gino first dibs but then if he doesn’t take them I would be happy to take all three!
Unfortunately, Rob already sold/disposed of all the ones he had.
You can order them from Trumpeter. I recently ordered two complete pods and the decals for $31. However, with the current state of international shipping, they took 3 months to arrive. I was hoping someone has a set stateside so I could get them quicker.
Gino. I may have a couple of the Dragon model sets. Let me check and get back to you via PM.
Patrick Keenan
Gino. Incoming PM as I have something I’m pretty sure you can use.
I may have some-if your other option don’t work out.
Package receiver ~ Thank You
Got what I need out of the deal now anyone interested in the M270 MLRS (Dragon) complete vehicle? Complete, unstarted and unbuilt. Still in factory sealed bags???
Or the two Voyager rocket pod PE detail sets.
Cheap, make offer. No reasonable offer refused.
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