Mike, as you have asked for feedback, I take it you are open to suggestions. Firstly though, I am going to say this off the top - I have never liked the ‘zebra’ streaking effect myself. This is just my view but in no way am I an authority on weathering. So with that admission, please take the following comments as positive, not negative, or disregard them altogether as you wish. There is not a microgram of malicious intent here.
To my eye, the streaking from top to bottom all the way along appears a little too uniform. Vehicles tend to gather more dust lower down, whether military or civilian, so there is more dust covering there. This usually results in more colour variation in the lower area, especially on a vehicle this tall. Here is a pic showing what I mean, more dust lower down.
Then, the streaking is caused by rain washing through the dust layer. To form a long streak, it needs to have pooled and been forced in a stream down for some reason, e.g. water on the driver compartment turns muddy as it mixes with dust and, then it flows back to the rear cabin wall when the vehicle starts to move, and that then runs down the side. Here is an example of that:
This pic shows a more patchy rain effect:
Rain by itself would cause the dust to mix and run down patchy, not a thin stream. So the end effect is more patchy covering than streaky. Do a google search and see if you can find a vehicle with the streaky lines.
This modeller has represented what I think is a truer effect.
All this said, I do like what you have done, but for my taste, less is more.
Please do not be offended. Again, this is my view and there are many, many better modellers out there than me.