Lifting the Fog of War: Command and Control

6:30 PM. Home from work and added and painted the straps. I need to let that dry for a while and, hopefully before the frau goes to bed, I can dust it up, take some pictures, and call it DONE.

If not, it’ll have to happen early in the AM.


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I shall call this build done (for the campaign). Honestly, I need to dig out my photos for the bumper numbers.



It’s over! I’m calling this one finished. Monogram 1/72 SR-71.

Managed to avoid breaking off the pitot tube until after the very last paint session. :rage:
The aircrew made a return visit. I’m glad the paint showed up so orange, now you can see the crew.

Just gotta find a spot on the shelf big enough for this monster. :roll_eyes:
Many thanks to Chris Wallace over at Model Airplane Maker for showing me how to do it. :wave:


Mike and Mark, great builds! Congrats on finishing.


NICE ONE Mike! Everything, and I mean everything, looks just outstanding. Assembly, paint, weathering, detailing, accessories, research - all are fantastic. It’s been a pleasure being on the “ride along” and your result is truly remarkable. One can tell that the love and attention to detail has been put into this because it was your ride.

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Mark, incredible model! I’m a treadhead but the finish you’ve gotten on that plane is fantastic!

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Here are some better finish photos of my RC-135W Rivet Joint :grinning:

Thank you for another fine campaign and it was nice to see so many great builds of you all and not only airplanes this time! Very interesting armour models this time!
Cheers mates!
Peter :raising_hand_man:


Gorgeous work guys. Great to see you over the line too.

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Great finish folks! I’m impressed at all the different and high quality builds that have come out of this campaign!

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@B-17-peter @md72 @TacFireGuru

Mike, Mark & Peter - great builds guys! Nice to see you managed to cross finish line. Fun fact - I was observing RC-135 live circling around NE Poland yesterday while I was enjoying nice weather and extended weekend here :slight_smile: .


I’m afraid I’m not very good at this campaign lark; sorry to say an epic fail re my Corps Main HQ project. ‘Way behind the curve and have probably bitten off more than I can chew in the time frame. I’ll need at least an extra month to see this completed.

Apologies to all; all probably down to getting too involved in my Conqueror project then before I knew it my Maltese venture came to fruition.

Oh well, lesson learned perhaps(!)


Sorry to hear that, but would be lovely to see some pictures of your build as is, and maybe when completed seeing it in all ist glory, so to speak

Well, that’s very kind - I’ll crack on as and when.

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Not to sound pushy, but has a Campaign Medal (award badge) been designed and awarded yet? :grinning:

Good question. Don was the campaign leader but he has not posted here in almost a year!


Do you guys want me to design something and post it here to see if you like it?

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How about something simple:

It will still be recognisable on screen:

I’ll have a think about some others.


Not sure what happened to Don, Ezra or Dennis ? They all went off the grid about the same time ? I think if you do the campaign award, (and I like the one you have just completed above) then just keep it simple mate …

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I think the later two are around the same age and started a pod cast. Not sure if Don was part of the click or not.


ahh, now you say that, I remember Ezra saying something about that yonks ago … in fact, it was about the time they all went off grid I think

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Ezra got a girlfriend, so we know what he is “into” right now.