Thats him gone for the next 6 or so years lol
On a side note, has anyone stepped in to finish off running the campaign ?
Personally, as a professional laggard, I have to say if it runs on a little longer then I’m all for it(!)
I’m happy to step in and grab the steering wheel if you guys want?
The guys I can see that have posted their final pics:
Let me know if I missed someone.
Guys, how far off are you from finishing?
I was going to, but if your ok doing Peter ?
No prob John. Just working through some award options. Not easy to depict the intent in an image that covers ships and aircraft too.
Could you work with something like C2 ? That’s Command & Control ??
I believe it needs some kind of antenna. Whip antenna would be enough.
Did you just say “whip?”
Peter, I’d probably need a couple of months although that really just reflects my poor discipline and work-rate. 'More than happy with whatever you decide - it might make me get a move on(!)
Happy to go another month if you can compress. Maybe finish what is there now and you can add more later, as you pretty much had enough done to call it last time you posted (albeit a few needed paint!)
Roger that Peter - clearly an observant man!
Well, I have been following the build!!!
Okay, so I have built a few awards, so what do you guys think?
dude! as usual, all of those are awesome!
I am absolutely happy with any of them, but if you’re looking for help nudging it one way or other, I like the middle one best. But seriously, any of them are really terrific.
middle one
For me the third one
Well, thanks Peter; to be honest, I didn’t actually think many/any would find it of that much interest. So, now that my ego has been propped up, I’ll crack on. This afternoon I will continue to paint what feels like a couple of hundred 1:300 Box Bodied Vehicles. The few figures I’m planning on may have to wait until after a strong gin or two.
I stuck in a last-minute panic build but only because I’d again talked big but contributed zero. So I’m not into it for a ribbon (I’m not sure my build deserves one) but if we’re extending and it’s O.K., I might have a stab at finishing one of my abandoned Fantasy/SF builds.