Live Resin - new weapons, accessories and figures [official]

I must admit I haven’t seen couple of the figures featured on Arma website. As far as I know, Yaroslav didn’t announce them on his website yet.


can someone send me a link that works in the US, is there a legit seller we can use or do I need to wait til the military exercise is over?

Models-Hobby is Yaroslav’s official website to order Live-Resin from. I don’t think he can process payments right now due to sanctions.

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Obviously posted to show HER weapons and not yours! LOL

I like the female figures too,
I am frustrated with the situation as I feel uncomfortable buying from Chinese vendors, because I dont want recasts or to support recasting, I was always comfortable buying direct, that way I know I have the real figures. BHD -Gothic Serpent is one of my interests, I hope Yaroslav produces the planned figures. IPMS Nats is coming up, perhaps he wants to bring a suitcase full of figures to sell there!

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Will this only be available in 1/35?

1/35, 1/72( with falcatus vehicle model) and 15 sm
Six figures serie


Hi Yaroslav,

Any news on getting your items shipped out of USSR yet?

Payment system for/ from Western based customers?

Thank you, Jason

  • Just found an image of the vehicle you mentioned to be released with the figures:
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Perfect, thank you.

Jason, thanks for your picture. This is Falcatus vehicle and will be too in 1/72 and 1/35
Attention! You can pay for orders to my direct paypal address
Please sent me email or pm with list of order, I will check the stock


Ok, thank you Yaroslav, good to hear my friend.
Kind regards, Jason

Test new figure in 1/72 direct print low quality technology. My figure is left


Dear Customers! Now payment modul on site dont work, sorry. But you CAN order. Please send my your order list by email or PM this place and I will give a paypal address for direct pay.


Your figures are so incredible! I don’t really model in the periods that you depict, but I think I’m going to have to change that.

I know Yaroslav said that he won’t do this, but I still hope for larger scale figures, such as 1/24 (75mm), 1/20 (90mm), and 1/16 (120mm).

Many resin kit makers have folded in making larger modern SOF figures. Despite how awesome the details are with Live-Resin figures, I just find 1/35 scale too small to enjoy most of the details once painted.

I hope that Yaroslav and Live-Resin will reconsider large scale figures.

Yes, one can buy 3-D prints of large figures, and I have, but most of those are cheaper copies of the original resin 120mm figures.


Yep, fully agree, TriSaw; but… At the same time I’m saving a packet of money not buying figures like the Live Resin US SOF in 1/16, which I’d snap up if available.

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Please don’t give up on the 1/35 Seahawk / Blackhawk helicopters. I’m sitting on 15 Of them
Trumpeter will be Reassuring them either under ( I love Kit’s )

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Fifteen!!! As in, ten plus five 1/35 Blackhawk kits? Wow, that’s a stash

I went through my stash today after posting that and I actually have 18 of the Kitty Hawk kits my stash is way way out of hand.