Live Resin - new weapons, accessories and figures [official]

any idea if you’ll do the Blackhawk Down Figures? I’d love a set of old school Special forces with the hockey helmet and CAR-15 or MP-5, Delta or SEALs

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Me too mate, have tried doing some a while ago using Dragon, Trumpeter, Evolution miniatures which I cast a couple as I like to mod my own figures….would be good to see a BH Down stand alone set apart from the old Dragon set.

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1/48 scale


Russian helicopter pilot? If so, can he be scaled up to 1/35

Judging by the shoes it looks like he’s good for Afghanistan.

This is big serie of pilots and accessories for new 1/48 Mi-8 model, yes, correct - Afghan war


Ok, can they be scaled up to 1/35?

Yes, a little later. Details is very high

Any possibility to add a modern Russian tank Crew to your offerings?
With the newest uniform and gear set? That will fit either Trumpeter or Meng’s newest offerings of the T-72B3M and or T-90MS.


Same for a Chinese PLA tank crew for the newest ZTZ-99A MBT.

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i heard that a company is to release a much wanted US attack helicopter in 1/35 this year, bet you it will not include pilots… if only there was a good company that did excellent 1/35 US helo pilots.

Help us Obi Wan, you’re our only hope.


Cool mask, what it name? Helmet is new too?
About modern Russian tankers, I plan it but now not easy situation, I cant restore the shop work yet, be cause a lot of bureaucratic problems. But hope can solve it soon



It is good seeing you here again Yaroslav. Hope to see new Live Resin stuff soon as well.


The mask is the new aviator gas mask; MPU-6(V)/P Chemical-Biological Protective Mask.

The helmet is the one worn by Apache pilots; M142 IHADSS Flight Helmet.

Don’t forget the Helmet mounted display monocle.

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Take your time. I know the current geopolitical situation makes it hard; I hope to see it some time in the future.

In the meantime, I gotta add the M134D mount for the SAG II turret I’m working on.

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know this figures, - “black ops” use mine helmet model


A lot of companies have ceased making 1/16 modern army and Special Operation Forces figures. It would be nice if Live-Resin could make 1/16 offerings of their figures when times are better.

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