Look What the Tide Washed Up! (Model Shipwrights)

“Modelling on a massive scale” is right. It will be very cool!

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@McRunty and here’s me thinking you were going to be getting Cv-6 :man_facepalming::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Russelle CV(N) - 6(5)

Close enough :grin:

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@McRunty I guess I’ll just have to take one for the team on CV-6 then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This thing is a beast. I thought my USS Missouri and USS Iwo Jima were long and unwieldy but Enterprise dwarfs them. She comes in at 1005mm long (a tad under 40 inches) and is by far the biggest kit I will have attempted.

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Acquired due to the eagle eye of the missus who was found this at a flea market down in Kentucky while she was visiting her dad.

Box is very battered but all the parts are there. Just missing the instructions and the decals which is no big deal. I already have this kit and all the AM to make a good New Jersey so this new kit will become the USS Wisconsin once I have sourced the various Pontos bits.


@McRunty you’re going to be a tad busy methinks :wink:

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@Russelle You have no idea. This puts me at 12 Capital Ships (BB and Carriers) in the stash :scream:

I take like 2+ years to build a capital ship so I should have them all done by 2043.



My current build pace for capital ships is 5 years :laughing: hopefully Dauntless can break that cycle, but until then only 1 BB, 1 DD and a cruise liner allowed in the stash :cowboy_hat_face:
Oh and 3 months per plane, of which there far too many LoL :man_facepalming: should keep me going til I’m 70 :laughing:

Oh dear. If we include Crusier size and under then I have a bigger issue…Adds another 12 ships to the line up.

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Hey everyone,

I know I have been quite absent over the past few months but real life work has kept me bogged down. That being said I had to share my good luck on the acquisition of a bucket list kit.

I just happen to check Ebay and sitting at the top of the list was the 1/350 Hasegawa IJN Akitsushima Seaplane Tender. I honestly never thought I would see one of these become available…so I jumped.

Of course, the US Postal Service, being the stellar organization they are, kept changing the delivery date but it has finally arrived. I am anxious to get her started but I really should finish the IJN Tama first, but with only getting about 2 to 4 hours of bench time a week that might take me months…oh what to do what to do!


@RollTide Nice find! Looking forward to watching the build.

I sure understand the temptation to cheat on the project you “should” be working on. Ok, so maybe I went a bit overboard.

Just in this week: two Mogami PE kits. Also Veteran upgrades, Master barrels (the Flyhawk set only comes with 6), and Black Cat 13.2mm AA.

Gonna mix and match the best PE parts from the Flyhawk (1943) and Mk1 (1941) PE sets, as the Lion Roar PE set for 1942 Mogami is about 10 years OOP.

Talk about breaking the bank… good thing this is the first model I’ve purchased upgrades for in two years :roll_eyes:

I expect to be starting a build log soon, I’ve already begun work on the hull and I have questions.

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@RollTide: Thats a really rare catch you made. May I ask how much you did paid for it? I also have this ship. I was searching intensivly for it and finally found her for 420 € from a seller in the Netherlands. It´s my most expensive haul but it is a very exclusive kit. Lets see who will start her first :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Black_sheep I got it for $250 USD, got lucky not only in finding it but on the price. I am sure it could have fetched quite a bit more.

The race is on my friend!! Now to just find time to finish the Tama…:frowning:


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I would say yikes, that’s a lot of money for a kit but then I remember what I just spent on the USS Enterprise and AM… :rofl:

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Got a nice little italian stork from Poland. Will be a nice contrast to my flowers :slight_smile: .

I tend to smaller vessels recently. not so much repetetive work.




The aftermarket fairy paid me a visit today :stuck_out_tongue:

Pontos set for one of my Tamiya New Jerseys to convert her to USS Wisconsin.
Extra set of aircraft for my Enterprise
Extra Eduard sets for the Enterprise. Sets 3, 4, 5 and some figures.

Contents of the Pontos Box. I am…intimidated…

Proper Decal sheet for my Enterprise.

This isn’t all of it. I still have some more stuff on the way.

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Well folks! This arrived today and I was quite chuffed! :grin:
This book has been on my want list for quite some time, and truly it is a hefty volume at that. At 2 kilos (75oz) in weight and over 3cm thick and 544 glorious pages to indulge in! :man_student:

It’s always been quite a pricey prospect at over $160AUD but when it came up at $100AUD on our local Amazon site, some quick negotiations with “She Who Must Be Obeyed” resulted in its purchase as Christmas present for yours truly! :santa:
Hence it will remain in its shrink wrap until Christmas rolls around, but that’s okay, as I still need to clear off a couple off books before I can start… All part of my cunning plan to build The Big E (CV-6) in all her finery in 1/350… Eventually… Someday… :thinking:

And overseen by this wonderful villain who arrived on the same day-this one I am allowed to open the package! (Warning-not MSW related :grin:)


Its a start! I need to keep a lookout for that book locally.

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