Now it’s time to get back to the serious builds. The M18 Hellcat is one that I have recently developed an interest in. With that I went on a reference image hunt and have compiled several to start with. After looking at the kit there are definitely some issues that need to be corrected.
So far there is allot missing from the transmission . nothing a bit of evergreen and wire cant fix . This does not even complete step 1 .
There is more missing but I will need to come back to that when I know where other stuff fits in exactly.
Progress is slow today . A little bit more done on adding the missing goodies to the Hellcat.
It was a therapy day , so the grey matter was feeling a little overwhelmed , tomorrow will be a better day.
Wow that’s some excellent scratch building there Chris.
Have you looked at the Osprey Building US Army Tank Destroyers by Steve Zaloga? He has a interesting chapter on the M18 and the utility vehicle converted from the M18. Hope this helps, Joel.
@metalhead85 . Thank you. Im trying to embrace subjects I have always looked past . fortunately or unfortunately it has become a obsession.
That is step one in the instructions for the kit . That front end will end up being much fuller.
@joelsmith . No i haven’t seen that one . I guess I need to go find a copy now
I just found the Steve Zaloga . modelling US Army tank destroyers . Got it on kindle and can see that I see some of the same issues that Zaloga did … This is going to be a great help . It covers the M36 and the M10 … Those are on my build list.
Also just for kicks and giggles I also got the Sherman book by Zaloga
Al these years building cold war soviet has made me lool past all these
Well the good news about this build is all the things I thought that needed correcting or scratch building have been confirmed…the bad news about this build is all the things I thought needed correcting or scratch building have been confirmed.
@joelsmith . I down loaded that zaloga last night and it looks like Im going to be trying to add 10 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag . This will be fun
The drivers area is almost where I want it to be now . Some things will still be added as other ares are done .