M1085 PATRIOT ECS Truck - PATRIOT PAC-3 Battery Vehicle Build #3

I got some paint and the decals on it over the last few days. I sprayed it with Krylon Ivory Silk from a can. I used the kit basic stencil decals and made bumper numbers and some of the other stencils specific to the vehicle.

I replaced the standard M1083 tires with newer, more aggressive Goodyear tires out of the Trumpeter M142 HIMARS kit. The M142 kit only has 6 tires, no spare. I made the spare by correcting the kit spare wheel, which is missing the outer ring of bolts which hold the two-part rim together. It is also missing the CTIS hoses. I added the bolts from resin ones and the CTIS from extras out of the M142 kit. I added the rim to the new Goodyear tire and made a mold of it, then cast the spare in resin. It came out looking pretty good.

This is how I did the spare on an earlier M1078.

New spare. I also added an engine blank that can be seen from the rear of the cab overhang.

Here it is so far.


Next up is detail painting and flatcoat, then on to weathering.