M113 OIF questions

Piggybacking off my M3A2 and M2A2 Iraq questions, time for some M113 OIF questions. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I have the Tamiya M113A2 Desert Version kit and would like to build one used in Iraq.

I am interested in any that were still in the NATO camo scheme like in the image below.

The caption says: A convoy of U.S. Army 3rd Infantry Task Force 3-7 armored vehicles maneuvers during a training exercise near the Iraqi border March 13th, 2003 in northern Kuwait.

Were those M113’s deployed to Iraq? Also, does anyone know what that sand colored strip is on the trim vane? Anymore images of those specific M113’s?

The image was taken from this Rolling Stone article linked here A Wrong Turn in the Desert

Tamiya includes the NATO camo scheme for Iraq but without the cupola shields.

The Tamiya instructions show the cupola shields but only used for the version used in Bosnia.

Were any M113’s deployed to Iraq with the NATO camo scheme with the cupola shields?


Technically, not an M113 - but rather an M1064A3 120mm Mortar Carrier, but yes, some M113s were deployed to Iraq still wearing NATOflage.

This one is an M113A3.


Thanks for the images. I am looking for ones specifically in the NATO camo scheme with the commander’s cupola shields.

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A few more…

I guess the sand colored strip on the front is a Combat Identification Panel.



And Frenchy comes in clutch with the images. Nice work. :+1:


Thanks for the images, greatly appreciated! Now to find decals for any of those vehicles.

I found one more image with no caption. It also has the sand colored strip on the trim vane and the cupola shields.

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Thanks Reynier. I must say that the M113 is one of my favourite AFVs and I’ve gathered about 600 related pics just for OIF…



Considering that the M113 is one of the most prolific American APCs in usage all over the world.


It’s a beast, used by the USMC, USAF and NASA besides its main customer.

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Very interesting that the two M113’s on the transporter in the second photo you posted both have the ACAV BMG shields.

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I wasn’t aware that the Marines EVER used the M-113.

They always used the LVTPs; from the LVTP-5 in Vietnam to the Amtraks until they were decommissioned.


They had 6, from March to Sept 1969.

Also this one.

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Well? That’s a first for me.


I had known about 1969 but found the other when researching moe because of some of the questions asked about Andy’s kit. There might be more one off out there. Would be interesting if the Navy had one or two.

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That is the front IFF panel. It is like the corrugated ones that go on the sides that shows up as a reverse colored rectangle (dark or light, depending on the setting) in thermal optics to ID a friendly vehicle.

As to the Tamiya M113A3, it is closer to an M113A2 that has A3 external fuel tanks added. Check out Vodnik’s article on updating it to an M113A3.


Work in progress.

Here is a template that shows where the attachment holes for the ERA should be on an A3 as well.

The Academy M113A3 is a better starting point.


Thanks for the info on the front IFF panel. Do you happen to have any closeup images of it?

Unfortunately, I already have the Tamiya kit so will have to stick with that one as is OOB.

Would the Tamiya kit be good for doing one from Operation Just Cause, Panama with the Dragon ATGM as in the images below?

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You’ll need their A2 version to get the smoke dischargers.
That would be a great choice by the way. I’ve often considered it myself. Just Because. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the additional image.

I have the Tamiya M113A2 Desert Version kit already. I wanted to do one from OIF specifically in the NATO camo scheme with the cupola shields. The ones in OIF were the A3 versions but I already have the Tamiya kit which includes the smoke dischargers, cupola shields and rear external fuel tanks so it would be close enough to an A3 to me.

Seeing the Tamiya kit is actually an A2, I was thinking maybe doing one from Just Cause instead. I also have the Academy M163 and M981. Both of those Academy kits include the Dragon ATGM so was thinking of adding it to the Tamiya kit for one used in Just Cause.

Looking forward to seeing yours when you decide to do one. I have the Academy M551 Gulf War kit as well and doing it as one from Just Cause. I have the Echelon decals for it.

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Yes, to make it a pretty accurate M113A2, leave the external fuel tanks off and use the flat rear fenders on both sides.