M2/M3 Bradley Reference

They are now. Yes.


U.S. Army only has enough money to install “Iron Fist” Active Protection System on a few dozen Bradleys (for now).

Story from Breaking Defense, video from Straight Arrow News.


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M2A4E1 with Iron Fist Light just recently rolled out. The E1 designation means it is still an experimental version. We’ll see what the final version looks like…eventually. It looks to be the overall one-color dark green as the above M2A4 is as well.


"The M2A4E1 is the most modern and survivable version of the Bradley as a result of integrating an Iron Fist Light (IFL) Active Protection System, improved High Definition Forward Looking Infrared Gunner’s Sight, and an Environmental Control Unit to prevent heat stress for dismounts.

The Army received funding to procure the M2A4E1 for every Bradley donated to Ukraine."

PEO Ground Combat Systems

US Army unveils next-gen Bradley fighting vehicle (defence-blog.com)

On a flatbed going to/coming from the event.


Hello, planning an Desert Storm Bradley down the line using the Tamiya M2A2 kit. Taking an interior from either the original Tamiya M2 kit or one of the Academy copies…do the Academy copies have the decals included for the inside, like the Tamiya kit does?
Thank you.

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Unfortunately, no. I also prefer the Tamiya interior as it is more crisply molded than the Academy copy as well. It is just overall better.


Thank you

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Do you know of any diagrams or plans that show the areas for adding anti-slip?

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It is basically on all the flat surfaces. It can easily be added using textured spray paint. You simply tape off the areas where you do not want the texture (white areas below) and spray the rest.

The below is on an M2, but it is basically the same on an M2A2 or newer vehicle.

Here is an example on an M2A2 ODS.


You da Man!!

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Just had the chance to look at your pictures…looks great…are the bolts covered with anti-slip also…or did you not want to tape or liquid mask them?

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Hard to tell in those pics, but the bolts were taped off and not covered w/anti-slip. I masked off each with a small square of tape.

I added better pics from another project.


Great pics

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Yeah, I found that the Rustoleum Terra Cotta paint in the rattle can works the best and the one can will last you a looooooong time!

Speaking of a looooooong time, get ready for a new definition of tedium when you start doing all that masking! :rofl:

:cowboy_hat_face: :beer: